We’re proud to support our colleagues in the Trust EmbRACE network. We’ve put together some fantastic rich resources to help inform our understanding of race issues and to support Black History Month, and South Asian Heritage Month all year round.
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The Library offers all staff access to a collection of eBooks which all colleagues working in the NHS in England can access for free.
Diversity and Equality ebooks
23 titles have been made available by Health Education England. All you need to do to read the books online is:
- Visit https://read.kortext.com/library/books
- Select NHS in England from the Institution list
- Sign in with your OpenAthens account
- Browse the collection or search by author, title or subject.
- Click on the book image to start reading
Here’s a list of titles (with links) you might be interested to read during Black History Month:
The 5 disciplines of inclusive leaders
Religions, Culture and Healthcare: A Practical Handbook for Use in Healthcare Environments
Transforming Lives: Health Initiatives in Faith Communities
Working with difference and diversity in counselling and psychotherapy
Medicine and Religion: A Historical Introduction
Ageing, Diversity and Equality: Social Justice Perspectives
Black and Blue: The Origins and Consequences of Medical Racism
White Fragility: Why it’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism
You can browse the entire Kortext collection which in addition to the Diversity and Equality Collection includes clinical, management, leadership and personal development books or search by title, author or subject.

You may need an OpenAthens username and password to access online resources. Register here for free.

Black History Month Video and film collection
Including footage of Malcolm X’s Oxford University Union debate from 1964, a conversation with Lenny Henry from Birmingham City University, and a number of videos on the Windrush Generation. Look out for the Lost Legends video explaining why Black History Month is important.
TED talks playlist: Talks to celebrate Black History Month
A set of videos across a myriad of topics, celebrating, questioning, challenging, and explaining. Dealing with history, art, language, people, injustice, bias, politics, hair, dance and more. Check out the stellar Jamila Lyiscott’s 3 ways to speak English, and the interview with the founders of Black Lives Matter.
Britannica- The importance of celebrating Black History Month in the UK
Why BHM matters in the UK, from MPs and political figures such as Dawn Butler, David Lammy and Baron Ouseley.
CBBC Black History Month resources and videos
If you’re looking for resources for your children, these are a great place to start. With videos on why BHM is important, and black Britons who paved the way.

NHS Race & Health Observatory– works to identify and tackle ethnic inequalities in health and care by facilitating research, making health policy recommendations and enabling change.
Black Ballad – UK based platform that seeks to tell the human experience through eyes of black British women.
Melanin Medics – This non-profit is focused on supporting African and Caribbean aspiring medics, medical students and doctors in the UK. It aims to implement positive solutions to help overcome under-representation and economic barriers in medicine.
The Runnymede Trust – The UK’s leading independent race equality thinktank.

Mind the Gap– A clinical handbook of signs and symptoms in Black and Brown skin.
Skin Deep– view clinical photographs of medical conditions in a range of skin tones. Open-access and free to use, the site is led by Don’t Forget the Bubbles and the Royal London Hospital.
Skin of Colour Resource– from the Centre of Evidence Based Dermatology at the University of Nottingham, this beings together information sources, systematic reviews and articles on relevant topics.
Skin of Colour in Dermatology Education– British Association of Dermatologists. Includes recommended education resources, skin diversity descriptions guidance and erythema description guidance.
Skin of Colour– clinical variations– from the Primary Care Dermatology Society this resource covers aetiology, clinical findings, images and other resources.
Dermatological conditions in skin of colour– produced by DermNet in New Zealand.
Review of neonatal assessment and practice in Black, Asian and minority ethnic newborns– from the NHS Race & Health Observatory
We know there are more resources out there so please let us know your recommendations on books for our collection.