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1. Search for an article

Use the NHS Knowledge and Library Hub to search for journal articles and other online resources. You’ll need a free NHS OpenAthens account first: if you don’t have one yet, just fill out this quick form. If you register using your Trust email address, access should be granted automatically.
Click on your Trust below for the Hub search box.
More help on searching is available via our Training pages, or you could check out our Information Resources pages for guides on how to use the Hub.
If the article you need is from a journal we don’t subscribe to, simply click on the “Request this item” option on the Hub and we will do our best to track it down for you from another library.

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension available for Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and other browsers that makes accessing full-text journal articles much easier. Simply install the extension and select the NHS organisation you work for. It will then indicate if an article is available in full-text through your library.
LibKey Nomad checks library subscriptions as well as Open Access journals to see if the article is available in full text. It also works on many publisher websites, along with PubMed and Wikipedia, and adds links to access the full-text or PDF (where available) making it easier to login and saving you time when accessing evidence.
2. Browse for an article

Browzine enables you to browse journals available to you via your Library, read through tables of contents and view or download useful articles.
Click on your Trust below to go to Browzine for your Trust.
3. Request an article
If you’re using the Hub or Browzine and the full text of the article is not available online select “Request this item” and the details of the article will be inserted into the online request form for you to complete.
Otherwise you can input the article details into a blank request form and submit it direct to your library. Click on your Trust to get started!