A list of resources to aid health professionals when supporting Ukrainian speakers.
Collated by UK Health Librarian community. Keith Nockels, last updated 25 May 2022.
Some of the resources are UK specific, or specific to one of the four UK home nations.

Automated translations into Ukrainian
NI Direct (government of Northern Ireland)
Use the “Translate this website” link at the top of each page to link to Google Translate links for a number of languages including Ukrainian, which then displays a translated version of the page.
A phrase book that uses Microsoft Translator is http://www.davecurtis.net/phrasebook/medicalphrases.en.uk.html and there are others in the UK Health Security Agency document listed below.
Materials in Ukrainian
NHS UK Although this does not list Ukrainian, although some of the sources it lists may include resources in Ukrainian.
MedlinePlus Materials from Health Information Translations – see below
Health Information Translations Dual language material in English and Ukrainian.
NHS Inform (NHS Scotland) Information about (Scottish) health services in Ukrainian.
Royal College of Psychiatrists Two resources related to trauma and PTSD, in Ukrainian.
Eastern Health (Australia) Visual cue cards. Although the cards is a little dated, but the cards may still be helpful.
Glossary Consists of lists of quite specific medical terms.
World Health Organization This guide is available in Ukrainian.
MedBox Conflict Toolbox Conflict toolbox with a section for resources relating to Ukraine.
MedBox information for refugees from Ukraine Information can be filtered using the options at the top of the list, to resources in Ukrainian.
MedBox Issue Brief This (in German) lists some Ukrainian language resources.
TakeCare project Basic Language Emergency Kits in 17 languages, including Ukrainian. These consist of questions to ask the patient, and explanations to be given by health professionals. If you do not have any Ukrainian, the document is also available in English (and other languages) so you can see the questions. Most of the other languages are European languages but there are documents in Arabic and Chinese.
Doctors of the World Mostly related to COVID, but there is a document on how the UK NHS works.
UK Health Security Agency List of multi language tools for evidence based practice. Some of the resources are listed above.