Want to know more about neurodiversity? We’ve put together useful information about what neurodiversity is, how to support neurodivergent colleagues, and interesting things to watch and read to help improve your neurodiversity awareness. This is for everyone in the Trust, including colleagues looking to understand their own neurodiversity or that of a family member. We welcome suggestions of useful items to include. Scroll down for more!

General guide
Neurodiversity Celebration Week– 18th-24th March 2024
British Dyslexia Association. Workplace information sheet: What is dyslexia?
Lexxic (2024) Neurodiversity resources. Includes guides and information sheets to several neurodivergent conditions including Tourette’s Syndrome, Dyspraxia, Autism Spectrum Conditions, Dyslexia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Dyscalculia.
Royal College of Nursing (2022) Neurodiversity: Pocket guide.
Sandman- Hurley, K. (2013) What is dyslexia? Ted-Ed video.
Neurodiversity at work- for managers

ACAS (2020) Thinking differently about neurodiversity.
A podcast to help demystify Neurodiversity.
ACAS (2016) Neurodiversity at work.
Bartlett, E. (2019) ‘Managing neurodiversity in the workplace’, People Management, (12 December).
British Dyslexia Association. Workplace information sheet.
Centre for Neurodiversity at Work. Resources. This page features downloadable resource packs and best-practice guidance to help workplaces deliver effective support for neurodivergent individuals.
CIPD (2018) Neurodiversity at work. Guide. Aimed at HR professionals and leaders to learn more about neurodiversity, benefits for the organisation and how to support neurodivergent people.
DMA Talent (2021) DMA Talent: ADHD employer guide.
Hagan, E. (2022) ‘Accommodations for ADHD in the workplace: Helping employees struggling with adult ADHD’, Psychology Today, 19 April.
Harris, J. (2017) ‘How do you solve the trickiest problems in the workplace? Employ more autistic people’, Guardian, 9 October.
Lauder, K., McDowall, A. and Tenenbaum, H.R. (2022) ‘A systematic review of interventions to support adults with ADHD at work– Implications from the paucity of context-specific research for theory and practice’, Frontiers in Psychology, (August).
Lexxic (2023) Neurodiversity smart employer guide.
Lexxic (2023) The role of managers in supporting Neurodivergent employees.
Pelletier, C. (2020) How companies can support neurodiverse employees who choose to ‘come out’.
Pisano, G.P. (2017) ‘Neurodiversity as a competitive advantage: Why you should embrace it in your workforce‘, Harvard Business Review, (May-June).
Pryke-Hobbes, A. et al. (2023) ‘The workplace masking experiences of autistic, non-autistic neurodivergent and neurotypical adults in the UK’, PLOS One, 18(9), e0290001.
Neurodiversity in the Healthcare workplace
NHS Employers (2022) Supporting neurodivergent colleagues in the NHS.
Royal College of Nursing (2022) Neurodiversity guidance: for employers, managers, staff and students.
Royal College of Nursing (2022) Neurodiversity guidance: For Neurodivergent healthcare professionals and healthcare students and their managers, mentors, teams and union reps.
Recommended by a Neurodivergent staff member “I think resources like this are great because it shows not only a professional body supports it, but there are real accounts from other working neurodiverse individuals. It’s not a token effort either, there is a lot on there, so I feel more “seen” on there as a professional. There is a lot of information out there on neurodiversity, but for me personally I like how this has professional focus, as I am very different at work to my home life, so I have different needs.”
Royal College of Nursing (2024) Health Ability Passport guidance.
Royal College of Nursing (2024) Health Ability Passport template.
Royal College of Nursing (2024) Support for neurodivergent nursing staff.
Shae, S.C.K. et al. (2023) ‘The experiences of autistic doctors: a cross-sectional study’, Frontiers in Psychiatry. (July).
Xenitidis, K. and Campbell, C. (2022) ‘Autistic psychiatrists: Royal College of Psychiatrists response’, The British Journal of Psychiatry, 221, pp.582-583.
Lived experience stories

Doherty, M. (2020) Recognising human variation. Experience of a doctor with autism.
Fishman, N. (2022) A mind for medicine. Experience of a doctor in training with ADHD.
Wilson, H. Stories from the Spectrum: Harri Wilson. On being an autistic junior doctor.
ITV (2018) Anne opens up about living with autism. I’m a Celebrity clip with Anne Hegerty from The Chase telling her campmates about living with autism.
Kahle, K. (2021) Why autism is often missed in women and girls. TedTalk.
National Autistic Society (2024) Stories from the spectrum.
Packham, C. (2023) Inside our autistic minds.
Roberts, S. (2023) Reasonable adjustments in the workplace for autistic people.
The Institute of Leadership and Management (2020) Workplace Neurodiversity: The power of difference. Part 1: Lived experiences of Neurodivergents.
Townson, R. (no date) Stories from the Spectrum: Rachel Townson. “I would love midwives to make small changes to their communication style, and understand the needs of autistic women”
Neurodivergent students
Health Education England. Guide to Practice-Based Learning (PBL) for neurodivergent students.
Jutley-Neilson, J. (2023) Warwick neurodiversity toolkit.
Robinson, D. (2022) ‘Neurodiversity in medical education: How care we improve postgraduate learning for neurodiverse doctors?’, Medical Teacher, 44(5), pp.564-566.