Challenging Cases in Palliative Care – Challenging Cases
Publisher’s Synopsis
Palliative care has evolved rapidly in recent years. Not only is the field dealing with an increasingly elderly and multi-morbid population, it is also addressing a wider variety of complex diagnoses such as heart failure, renal failure, advanced lung disease, frailty, and dementia. Challenging Cases in Palliative Care is unique, as it uses examples of real-world cases from palliative care practices. It also includes expert commentary to support modern clinicians in managing the ‘messiness’ of clinical care, as well as the increasingly complex needs of patients today. As part of our Challenging Cases series, the cases in this book not only cover a range of physical and psychosocial problems seen in palliative care, they also reflect the core curriculum for UK speciality trainees. Each case brings together expert interpretation of the available evidence, management strategies, guidelines and best practice, while discussing complexities in clinical decision-making and controversies in approach.
ISBN: 9780192864741
Churchill’s Guide to UK Medicolegal Essentials
Publisher’s Synopsis
Churchill’s Guide to UK Medicolegal Essentials provides a no-nonsense guide to managing those everyday clinical scenarios that have potential or obvious legal implications. With a clear, practical and easy-to-read style, it takes you through everything that you need to know including the UK legal systems, complaints handling, clinical governance and risk management, disciplinary procedures, and how the law relates to alcohol, drugs, mental health and end of life.
This is an ideal book for medical, nursing, dental and paramedic students preparing for exams or interviews, all grades of healthcare professionals, police staff, and anyone needing a brief overview of the legal intricacies of medical practice.
ISBN: 9780323934435

Critical Appraisal Skills for Healthcare Students A Practical Guide to Writing Evidence-Based Practice Assignments
Charlotte Jane Whiffin (author), Donna Barnes (author), Lorraine Henshaw (author), Brandon Smith (illustrator)
Publisher’s Synopsis
Are you struggling to make sense of complex research papers and craft insightful critiques for your academic assignments? Then look no further!
Critical Appraisal Skills for Healthcare Students is your indispensable guide to understanding research papers, mastering critical appraisal, and most importantly, succeeding in your summative assignments. While this text is written with Level 5 students in mind, you will find it is a useful text at any academic level when required to engage in evidence-based practice.
In today’s ever-evolving healthcare system, the ability to critically appraise research evidence is crucial. In pre-registration programmes, this core skill is often assessed through written assignments. However, students can struggle not only to interpret research papers and evaluate their quality, but also to write about this appraisal in an academic way. This comprehensive textbook equips healthcare students with the evidence skills they need, while also enhancing their ability to produce high-quality assignments.
ISBN: 9781119722816
Ethics in Palliative Care A Complete Guide
Publisher’s Synopsis
No specialty faces more diverse and challenging ethical dilemmas than palliative medicine. What is the best way to plan ahead for the end of life? How should physicians respond when patients refuse treatments likely to be beneficial, or demand treatments not likely to be? Who makes medical decisions for patients who are too ill to decide for themselves? Do patients have the “right to die” (and, if so, what exactly does that mean)? In this volume noted palliative care physician and bioethicist Robert C. Macauley addresses a broad range of issues from historical, legal, clinical, and ethical perspectives. Clinically nuanced and philosophically rigorous, Ethics in Palliative Care analyzes hot-button subjects like physician assisted dying and euthanasia, as well as often overlooked topics such as pediatric palliative care, organ donation, palliative care research, and moral distress. Drawing on real cases yet written in non-technical language, this complete guide will appeal to both medical professionals and lay readers.
ISBN: 9780199313945

Facilitating Learning in Practice A Research-Based Approach to Challenges and Solutions
Dawn A. Morley (editor), Kathy Wilson (editor), Natalie Holbery (editor)
Publisher’s Synopsis
Many recent high-profile reports have emphasised the need for improvements and innovations in practice-based education for nursing and midwifery students in the UK to ensure safe care delivery.
Addressing the new NMC standards of proficiency for pre-registration nursing, this book presents five significant areas of practice learning for student nurses and midwives in their pre-registration education and provides a guiding resource for practitioners at a time of significant change in the ethos and structure of practice learning. Each chapter provides a short case study and helpful learning points to assist readers in the application of the themes to their own practice.
This concise and accessible book will act as a key stimulus for reflection on the changes in practice learning environments and will provide invaluable guidance on the new roles of Practice Supervisor, Practice Assessor and Academic Assessor. It will be essential reading for all academics and clinical practitioners who support student nurses and midwives with their practice learning.
ISBN: 9781138311794
Human-Centered Leadership in Healthcare: Evolution of a Revolution
Publisher’s Synopsis
Human-Centered Leadership in Healthcare is a new leadership model based on the theory of complex systems.
It addresses the requirement for healthcare organizations to develop environments that produce market leading outcomes which demonstrate value for patients. Since healthcare is a human-centric industry, it requires care for the leaders, the staff, and the patients. The Human-Centered Leadership model embraces the leader’s focus on self-care and mindfulness while simultaneously focusing outward on others. The leader, at the center, adopts the attributes of the Awakener, the Connector, and the Upholder which result in practices leading to sustained quality outcomes, patient and staff satisfaction, and a healthy work environment. These practices and outcomes can be described as cultures of excellence, trust, and caring. The Human-Centered Leader in Healthcare understands that “It starts with you but it’s not about you”. Kay Kennedy, Lucy Leclerc, and Susan P. Campis’ goal for Human-Centered Leadership in Healthcare is to develop the people who lead the people who care for the people.
ISBN: 9781631955532

The Inner Consultation How to Develop an Effective and Intuitive Consulting Style
Publisher’s Synopsis
The Inner Consultation, Second Edition sets out the author’s thoughts on how consulting skills, and methods of teaching them, have evolved in the 17 years since the book’s first publication. It also develops the theme of ‘curiosity’ as the key requirement for patient-centred consulting and provides a practical consultation model with five checkpoints to work to, advice for developing skills, and suggestions for doctors to ensure they know the cues in the consultation that require their full attention. All general practitioners, GP registrars, and medical professionals will find this book essential and thought-provoking reading.
ISBN: 9781857756791
Methods for Facilitating Adult Learning Strategies for Enhancing Instruction and Instructor Effectiveness
Joellen E. Coryell (editor), Lisa Baumgartner (editor), Jeremy W. Bohonos (editor)
Publisher’s Synopsis
This book equips instructors with fresh, practical teaching and training methods to support adult learning in both formal and continuing educational environments.
An extensive, how-to guide, Methods for Facilitating Adult Learning covers adult teaching and learning fundamentals, collaborative teaching methods, methods for facilitating autonomous learning, community-based teaching methods, and technology-enhanced teaching and learning approaches. Readers will emerge with an in-depth understanding of each method, made comprehensive by the inclusion of definitions, philosophical and/or theoretical underpinnings, advantages and limitations, practical guidelines for application, and ample real-world examples.
Ideal for any educator working with adult learners, this book offers a toolbox of approaches designed to enhance reader understanding and practice of adult instruction.
ISBN: 9781003446019

Fundamentals of Children and Young People’s Anatomy and Physiology A Textbook for Nursing and Healthcare Students – Fundamentals
Ian Peate (editor), Elizabeth Gormley-Fleming (editor)
Publisher’s Synopsis
Fundamentals of Children and Young People’s Anatomy and Physiology contains the critical knowledge required to provide safe and effective care to young people. Emphasising the application of evidence-based theory to practice, this comprehensive yet accessible textbook helps nursing and healthcare students understand how children’s anatomical and physiological systems influence disease processes and treatment options differently than in adults. Highly visual, succinct yet comprehensive, this textbook presents an overview of the structure and function of each body system, supported by clinical applications demonstrating how the concepts relate to nursing in practice.
ISBN: 9781119619222