Save time: ask your librarian to carry out a literature search for you!
We’d be pleased to find up to date and relevant information on your topic. Fill in the literature search request form below, or pop in to your library. Tell us as much as you can about your search request, and we’ll ask when you require the information for, so that we can negotiate a deadline to fit in with your needs and our workloads. Please allow a minimum of 2 weeks for your search, unless it is for urgent patient care.
If you’d like to learn more about literature searching your library team offer training, or you can self-study using our online resources.
Please note that although we are unable to carry out literature searches for assessed pieces of coursework, we can offer advice and training in literature searching techniques to students.
– Feedback from a Literature Search Service User
“This is incredible and I don’t think I can thank you enough for the time and effort you’ve put in to gather this information and evidence for me. I am thoroughly impressed and this is fantastic … What a great service you provide from library services.”
PLEASE NOTE: Due to current demand for this service please allow a minimum of 3 weeks for your search, unless it is for urgent patient care.
Your information
We will process your personal information using the KnowledgeShare system to provide this service. For more information about how your information is used, visit the KnowledgeShare privacy policy. The search results will be made available either via the KnowledgeShare system, or on our website so other people can benefit, but your name will not be shared.