An Insider’s Guide to Cases in Clinical Medicine (Long and Short Cases)
Archith Boloor
Publisher’s Synopsis
Covers all the common cases kept for practical examinations (both undergraduates and postgraduates) in detail.
Each case discussion has a sample case sheet followed by detailed discussion including pathophysiology and management.
As a companion book to Insider’s Guide to Clinical Medicine, this is one-stop solution for practical examination preparation for both undergraduates as well as postgraduates.
Case sheet format and approach to common cases are discussed in each section.
Easy to read with conceptual explanations and full of visual memory aids.
ONLY book to include section on rheumatology and comprehensive assessment of geriatrics.
Link to item: https://bit.ly/4abNvcg
Clinical Anatomy and Physiology of the Visual System
Lee Ann Remington, Denise Goodwin, Lee Ann Remington
Publisher’s Synopsis
Providing the ocular anatomy and physiology content needed for a thorough comprehension of this complex field, Clinical Anatomy and Physiology of the Visual System, 4th Edition, offers a solid foundation for recognizing and understanding specific clinical situations and how they relate to anatomic structure. This concise, well-referenced resource covers the clinical anatomy of the eye, its adnexa and visual pathways, and histologic information-the information you need for success in coursework, certification exams, and clinical practice.
Link to item: https://bit.ly/3wUaEBF

Oxford Handbook of Ophthalmology – Oxford Medical Publications
Alastair K. O. Denniston, Philip I. Murray
Fully revised and updated throughout, the fourth edition of the Oxford Handbook of Ophthalmology now includes free access to the ophthalmic online media bank, a selection of high-quality clinical images and videos for a wide breadth of key ophthalmic diseases. Clear, concise, and practical, this handbook provides immediate access to the detailed clinical information you need, in casualty, clinic, theatre, and on the wards. The core of the book comprises a systematic synopsis of ophthalmic disease directed towards diagnosis, interim assessment, and ongoing management. Assessment boxes for common clinical conditions and algorithms for important clinical presentations illustrate this practical approach.
Link to item: jhttps://bit.ly/3Pn2kRj

Emergency Medicine – Case Files
Eugene C. Toy, Barry C. Simon, Kay Takenaka, Adam J. Rosh, Ciara J. Barclay-Buchanan
Publisher’s Synopsis
Real-life cases for success on the emergency medicine clerkship and shelf-exam
Experience with clinical cases is key to mastering the art and science of medicine and ultimately to providing patients with competent medical care. Case Files®: Emergency Medicine, Fifth Edition delivers 60 true-to-life cases that illustrate essential concepts in emergency medicine. Each case includes a complete discussion, clinical pearls, references, high-yield presentation of key diagnostic and treatment information, USMLE-style review question to enhance your learning.
With Case Files®, you’ll learn instead of memorize. This fifth edition includes important new information on COVID-19, opioid overdose, social issues in emergency medicine, medical errors, interprofessional teamwork, endocrine emergencies, viral meningitis, and vertigo.
Link to item: https://bit.ly/3PnGSvz
Preparing Nurses for Disaster Management A Global Perspective
Publisher’s Synopsis
Learn how to plan for and respond to disasters! Preparing Nurses for Disaster Management: A Global Perspective helps you build the skills you need to prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergency situations efficiently and effectively. It includes the personal stories of nurses who have experienced disasters, describing the specific incident, the response, what worked or didn’t work, and the lessons learned. Case studies show how to apply international response guidelines in providing care for those in need. Written by Joanne Langan, an internationally known expert in disaster preparedness, this reference will help you feel more confident in handling the aftermath of both natural and man-made disasters.
Link to item: https://bit.ly/3ViJCOg

Understanding and Using Educational Theories
Publisher’s Synopsis
This textbook gives readers a clear overview of a selection of 19 of the most influential thinkers on education, including established names (Vygotsky, Bruner, Dewey), more recent thinkers (Freire, hooks, Claxton) and other key names whose writing has helped shaped our views on teaching and learning.
Each chapter includes practical examples showing how theories can be used to inform classroom teaching, and critiques of each theorist exploring opposing viewpoints and the strengths and weaknesses of different ideas.
Link to item: https://bit.ly/3VcSVzs