Pharmacology for Paramedics
Jeffrey S. Guy
Publisher’s Synopsis
Fully updated to meet current UK guidelines and paramedic scope of practice, Pharmacology for Paramedics offers a complete and practical understanding of pharmacology in the prehospital setting. This first UK edition provides a unique problem-based approach to ensure that you are prepared to effectively administer the drugs your patients need. clinical scenarios present case information just as you will learn it in the classroom and encounter it in practice.
Link to item: https://bit.ly/3VmaFbL
The Essential Handbook of Healthcare Simulation
Paul O’Connor, Angela O’Dea, Dara Byrne
Publisher’s Synopsis
Healthcare simulation is the modern way to educate healthcare providers to achieve high performance and to improve patient safety. It encompasses mannikin based training for teamwork and nontechnical skills, task trainers for procedural skills, simulated participants for communication skills, and virtual/augmented reality simulation. Based on an award-winning postgraduate course, this text provides the background knowledge required to: run a healthcare simulation centre; use simulation for training and education; and support simulation-based quality improvement and research activities.
Link to item: https://bit.ly/3IKUNI5

Understanding and Using Challenging Educational Theories – Core Textbook
Publisher’s Synopsis
Introducing you to 18 key educational thinkers who have offered challenging perspectives on education, this new edition comes with:
– 3 new chapters on Ivan Illich, Loris Malaguzzi and Michael Apple
– A glossary of key words related to each theorist’s work
– A context-setting overview of key themes
– Practical examples that shows how theories can be applied to your practice
Use this book with it′s companion title Aubrey & Riley, Understanding and Using Educational Theories 2e (9781526436610)
Link to item: https://bit.ly/3vmVvbB
Clinical ECGs in Paramedic Practice
Charles L. Till (author), College of Paramedics (associated with work)
Publisher’s Synopsis
A concise and easy-to-use guide to ECG interpretation, this book takes the complex subject of cardiac electrophysiology and presents it in a clear, full-colour format designed specifically for paramedics and those working in the out of hospital environment.
Presented as independently accessible sections, the reader is taken from the basics of cardiac anatomy, physiology and fundamental ECG principles, through to arrhythmia recognition and 12-lead ECG interpretation. The inclusion of information on clinical signs and symptoms, underlying causes and differentials, and management decisions for each presentation places the reader’s ECG learning clearly in the context of their wider clinical knowledge and experience. Practice ECGs and case-based scenarios enable the reader to consolidate their learning and understanding.
Link to item: https://bit.ly/4alZynu

Ophthalmology Made Easy
Publisher’s Synopsis
Eye emergencies may present in the GP surgery, A&E or an outpatient clinic, but few people outside of ophthalmology are confident about the management of eye problems. This book will give you the essential skills to:
- perform an initial assessment
- understand what you can manage yourself and how to do the basics
- decide when you need to refer to ophthalmology.
In addition, the book provides:
- a glossary of common ophthalmic terminology and medications which will be invaluable when reviewing ophthalmology letters
- a triage ready reckoner to help you sort the symptoms and decide how quickly you need to refer
- a systems-based approach to highlight common conditions and then describes how to assess, investigate and manage each of them
- a guide to the most common investigations and how to interpret the results.
Link to item: https://bit.ly/3VrrGBg
Emergency Medicine Diagnosis and Management
Anthony F. T. Brown, Michael D. Cadogan
Publisher’s Synopsis
The eighth edition of this international bestselling emergency medicine handbook has been completely revised and updated to include the latest evidence-based guidelines and treatment protocols underpinning best practice in emergency medical care. Carefully designed to suit the needs of interns and resident doctors working in the emergency department as well as specialist trainees, the book covers the full range of emergencies – general medical, infectious disease and foreign travel-related, toxicological, surgical, paediatric, obstetric and gynaecological, ophthalmic and psychiatric – as well as practical procedures and administrative and legal issues.
Link to item: https://bit.ly/3IJpZr9

Understanding Nursing Research Building an Evidence-Based Practice
Publisher’s Synopsis
Learn to understand, critically appraise, and apply research studies to evidence-based nursing practice! Understanding Nursing Research: Building an Evidence-Based Practice isa leading textbook of nursing research for evidence-based practice (EBP), identified as a competency in the 2021 AACN Essentials and a key emphasis the Next-Generation NCLEX® Examination (NGN). This updated and enhanced 8th edition gives you even sharper insights into critical appraisal of published studies for evidence-based nursing practice. Known for its authoritative content, its time-tested systematic approach, and its unique Research Example format – the new 8th edition of this bestselling textbook features updated content throughout, including current examples of high-quality studies, along with new Research/Evidence-Based Practice Tips boxes and enhanced use of tables, boxes, and illustrations for improved learning.
Link to item: https://bit.ly/43mbCTr
Emergency Medicine Simulation Workbook A Tool for Bringing the Curriculum to Life
Traci L. Thoureen (editor), Sara B. Scott (editor)
Publisher’s Synopsis
Emergency Medicine Simulation Workbook provides medical educators with clear and systematic guidance on incorporating medical simulation into their curriculum. Now in its second edition, this invaluable workbook helps those tasked with training emergency physicians, nurses, and technicians deliver the highest quality training and achieve optimal results. Chapters written by a team of expert authors explain how to use advanced simulation technology to realistically portray clinical scenarios without any risk to real patients.
Fully annotated cases cover key topics including cardiovascular, thoracic and respiratory emergencies, trauma, toxicologic and infectious emergencies, and more. Throughout the text, practical “tips and tricks” accompany case images and patient data to help educators easily deploy simulation-based learning and tailor their curriculum for novice and advanced students alike.
Link to item: https://bit.ly/3Tt6rfL

Palliative and End of Life Care for Paramedics
Tania Blackmore (editor), College of Paramedics (associated with work)
Publisher’s Synopsis
Paramedics are often the first port of call for those requiring emergency medical attention and, as such, they frequently encounter patients who are receiving palliative or end of life care. But as professionals whose training focuses on how to save a life, how can they best deal with patients who are approaching the end of theirs? In this situation, paramedics often need to make the difficult decision as to whether it is appropriate to transfer their patient to hospital, a decision which can have a significant impact not only on the patient and their family, but also on the paramedic themselves. This means that it is vital for paramedics to have an understanding of palliative and end of life care. This book provides a comprehensive guide to the philosophy, ethics, symptom control, emergencies and psychosocial aspects that underpin palliative and end of life care in paramedic practice. Chapters are written by paramedics and specialists in palliative and end of life care, who have decades of experience in providing care for patients in the community.
Link to item: https://bit.ly/4akQwH3
How to Succeed at Interprofessional Education – How To
Publisher’s Synopsis
How to Succeed at Interprofessional Education offers an introduction to the principles and practice of interprofessional education (IPE). By examining the rationale behind IPE, its application, and the frameworks for using it effectively, the author demonstrates that when healthcare professionals learn together and collaborate as a team, they are able to improve decision-making, provide patients with a higher quality of service, and ultimately improve outcomes.
How to Succeed at Interprofessional Education includes key terms and definitions, explains how to integrate IPE into curricula, highlights the challenges and constraints to the widespread introduction of IPE at the undergraduate and postgraduate level, and outlines an effective design model of IPE.
Link to item: https://bit.ly/3VrK3pR

Interprofessional Education and Training – Better Partnership Working
John Carpenter, Helen Dickinson
Second edition
Publisher’s Synopsis
The idea that professionals in health and social care should ‘learn together to work together’ in ‘interprofessional education’ (IPE) is not new. Nevertheless, interest in this concept has grown dramatically. By learning together, professions will better understand each other and value what others bring to the practice of collaboration. Through working together more effectively, the quality of care and outcomes for users will be improved, but what is the evidence to support this? How can effective and sustainable IPE programmes be designed and run? What theoretical perspectives are useful? How can programmes be evaluated? This essential guide provides a thorough introduction to IPE in health and social care. It examines the research on IPE in detail, providing much-needed practical advice. This second edition includes updates to research and policy internationally, examples of successful programmes and methods of evaluation, and provides readers with an essential set of IPE ‘do’s and don’ts’.
Link to item: https://bit.ly/3vnb430
Introduction to Healthcare Knowledge and Library Services
Geoff Walton (editor), Frances Johnson (editor), David Stewart (editor), Gil Young (editor), Holly Case Wyatt (editor)
Publisher’s Synopsis
The range of roles in healthcare knowledge and library services are many and varied. From ‘traditional’ librarian roles to those that break new ground – including clinical, embedded and outreach librarians and knowledge managers – they are a vital ongoing support for this important sector.
This work brings together health information practitioners and researchers with a variety of experience across health information work within knowledge and library services in the NHS. It provides a comprehensive, practitioner-focused introduction to all aspects of knowledge and library work in the health sector with a focus on NHS England. The book begins with an overview of the NHS and how knowledge and library work sit within it. It then addresses such critical areas as services supporting evidence-based practice, the developing area of health information literacy, reflective practice, collaborative working, demonstrating impact and employing digital technology. The book ends with an exploration of what the future might hold for healthcare knowledge and library services such as, the rapid advance of artificial intelligence/machine learning and how it might shape those services and knowledge specialist roles.
Link to item: https://bit.ly/3INhsUk

The Advanced Practitioner in Acute, Emergency and Critical Care – Advanced Practice
Publisher’s Synopsis
The Advanced Practitioner in Acute, Emergency and Critical Care
Dedicated text for trainee and newly-qualified Advanced Practitioners specialising in acute, emergency and critical care
Aligned with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) regulatory body requirements, this formative text is the first of its kind, covering a variety of key topics for advanced practitioners working in acute, emergency and critical care.
Written by experienced advanced practitioners and academics closely involved in the delivery of both the clinical and academic components of advanced practice training programmes, The Advanced Practitioner in Acute, Emergency and Critical Care.
Link to item: https://bit.ly/43wgiGb