Clinical Librarian Post- a year on… some words

So, at the start of June it’ll be year since I started here at George Eliot hospital as a clinical librarian, and as you do, I’ve been reflecting on my move into health libraries and how I’ve fared over the past year. Prompted by a conversation at a networking day last week, I’d written a few words so I thought I’d share them here. I’d been chatting about my experience of moving from the Higher Education Sector to Health libraries.


I worked for several years in public libraries whilst at university myself, and then moved into HE. I worked as an assistant, an assistant librarian, a subject librarian, and finally as a skills development manager (managing the team who delivered study skills support to students), over nearly 25 years. I did a PG librarianship qualification, a teaching PGCert and got Senior Fellowship of the HEA. My move to Health was based on a need to be a “proper” librarian again, I felt I’d lost that side of my career, and it was the part I enjoyed, rather than being a manager. I’ve been at George Eliot hospital for almost a year, and it’s honestly the best career decision I’ve made. It’s about knowing that what I do each day makes a difference. I know I’m not front line patient care, but I work with those who are, and I know my work is valued. I’m not just going through the motions. I feel that health librarianship as a profession is well supported- there’s a good peer support network, which I’ve tapped into, and so many training, awareness, networking events. I’m motivated again, and excited by what we do. I come away from networking events and training days full of ideas and ready to be involved in the future of health libraries. Despite gaining qualifications in my previous role, I’d never been encouraged to charter, so I’m finally getting to grips with chartership, and really focusing on the things I’m good at, and where I need development. I love my job, and quite honestly 12 months ago I couldn’t say that, not even close.


Nothing more to say this week really. Unless you want to come and put a few pieces in the jigsaw in the library chill out corner…

Have a great bank holiday, whatever you’re doing.