Clinical librarian- Photos and training and searches, oh my!


This week has been the week of the black and white photo. The Library were challenged to tweet black and white photos of #librarylife each day for 7 days, no humans, no explanations. It’s a fascinating set of images online from lots of different libraries.

Take a look! @GEHLibrary is our twitter name. We use Twitter to share lots of interesting snippets of information, from news and reports, to black and white photos of journals!

I’ve had a split focus over the week, between getting on with the job and training. I’ve had a couple of training sessions on online systems that the trust use which are about to change. As I’m still playing the “I’m new here” card, I came with a different view point to some of the other attendees. I was trying to rationalise the language and workflows being used as well as getting to grips with the new systems. It’s always interesting to experience new teachers and trainers though, and to consider their teaching styles.

As for getting on with the job, well I’ve had a couple of really interesting search requests in this week, so I’ve spent time searching our databases and beyond for up to date research to support an argument, and for guidelines, legislation and research to support the redevelopment of a local policy. My input will save the staff member time and effort, and hopefully result in a good set of results which are targeted to the task in hand. If you think I could help you to save time and find key research, please get in touch! or ext 3095.

I’m still enjoying coming in to work each day, and not everyone can say that, so I’m very lucky. Have a great week!

