Clinical librarian blog- Policies and personalities

I’m back for another weekly blog post, except this one’s covering a couple of weeks! Since last I wrote, I’ve had some annual leave (lovely, thank you), a birthday (lovely, thank you), and enjoyed this glorious summer (lovely, thank you)… Happily back at the William Harvey library this week, I’ve been a busy bee!

We’ve welcomed lots of new doctors and a wide range of staff to GEH, with our stand at induction events- we were there in person to say hello and introduce ourselves. Meeting all those shiny new excited people is one of the things I’ve enjoyed most so far!

Foremost in my mind at the moment is the next Controlled Document Review Group Meeting. As I’ve said in a previous post  this is a big piece of work for me each month, so I’ve spent time this week researching for policies on such diverse subjects as refeeding syndrome, infection prevention and control and job planning. From the BNF to British Standards to online journals, I’ve searched in a plethora of places this month. I’ve squeezed in some other searches requested by clinical staff too.

We’ve also had some interesting training in the library team, finding out about our personality types, communication preferences and team roles with the excellent Organisational Development team. We’re not finished yet, we have more training time to come, and it’s great getting to know everyone a little bit more, and working out how we all fit together as a team. We’re aiming high, so watch this space.

It’s been a big training week all round, as I’ve also fitted in a session delivered online about the Knowledge Share service that we provide to everyone at #teameliot. Knowledge Share is an online solution to the problem of keeping up to date with the latest literature in your area- if you’d like to know more, pop in to the Library, or take a look here. You’re able to set up your preferences to receive a weekly or fortnightly email with details of targeted resources to suit you. Such an easy way to keep up to date.

Right, I’ll get back to those policies, there’s a meeting looming!

Have a great week, Lisa