Clinical librarian blog- Remember, remember, it’s Knowvember.

Good morning friends! Welcome to November, or should I say Knowvember? For those not in the know (I’m sorry, couldn’t resist), Knowvember is all about Knowledge Management- for more info, see the Knowledge for Healthcare blog post. We made pledges to stage KM events to support the initiative, and so far we’ve managed 2. IN terms of success it’s most definitely been a game of 2 halves.

Firstly we held an Induction Reunion. Several months in the making, this involved inviting recent (but not too recent) new staff at the Trust to a reunion event, where they could meet up again with their fellow inductees and share some knowledge (see, it all ties in!), tips about what they wish they’d known when they first started, and well, just catch up a bit. Great idea, right? We decided to schedule 2 in (second one is in February), and to invite a few month’s worth of potential attendees at a time. Our response wasn’t great, but we did have quality if not quantity at our event, with discussions about all sorts of useful topics, from what to do at lunchtime, to how they found the induction experience.

Our second event was this week, and we held a searching workshop for librarian colleagues from the region. This was an altogether more successful event. We hosted colleagues from Wye Valley and UHCW, and put the world of searching to rights! The workshop generated a whole range of tips and questions, and it was really good to share good practice, and also to know that others encounter the same *ahem* challenges shall we say?

The other Big Thing since last I typed (spoke, wrote…never know which verb to use here), was the Schwartz Round that I’m involved with. It was the first at our Trust, and was incredibly powerful. If you want to know more about them, there’s a video here and lots of other information. I’m now in the process of putting together some complementary resources to support the round. Very different searching skills required to my usual policy searches!!!

Right then, today I will be mostly getting to grips with critical appraisal training, watch this space for new of how I’ll be offering that training out to my George Eliot colleagues…


Have a great week!