New books – commencing 12th Feb 2024

Therapeutic Communication in Mental Health Nursing Aesthetic and Metaphoric Processes in the Engagement With Challenging Patients
Publisher’s Synopsis
Awarded first place in the 2017 AJN Book of the Year Awards in Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.
This book introduces an innovative technique for therapeutic communication in mental health nursing, expanding the toolkit for nurses seeking to engage challenging patients who have not responded to more conventional therapeutic methods. Linking nursing communication to current research on metaphor and figuration, it is illustrated with accessible clinical examples.
ISBN: 9781138244290

Evidence-Based Emergency Care Diagnostic Testing and Clinical Decision Rules – Evidence-Based Medicine
Jesse M. Pines (editor), Fernanda Bellolio (editor), Christopher R. Carpenter (editor), Ali Raja (editor), Jesse M. Pines
Publisher’s Synopsis
Improve and streamline the diagnostic decision-making process in emergency care
The newly revised third edition of Evidence-Based Emergency Care: Diagnostic Testing and Clinical Decision Rules offers an updated review of the evidence and expert discussion of relevant issues in diagnostic testing in the everyday practice of emergency medicine. This book also provides a detailed overview of the science of diagnostic testing and reviews the process behind the development of clinical decision rules. The focus is asking and answering practical questions using original research studies, while commenting on the best available evidence for relevant clinical topics.
ISBN: 9781119616818
Teaching as a Design Science: Building Pedagogical Patterns for Learning and Technology
Publisher’s Synopsis
Teaching is changing. It is no longer simply about passing on knowledge to the next generation. Teachers in the twenty-first century, in all educational sectors, have to cope with an ever-changing cultural and technological environment. Teaching is now a design science. Like other design professionals – architects, engineers, programmers – teachers have to work out creative and evidence-based ways of improving what they do. Yet teaching is not treated as a design profession.
ISBN: 9780415803878

E-tivities: The Key to Active Online Learning
Publisher’s Synopsis
The world of learning and teaching is at a watershed; confronted by challenges to previous educational models. One learning future lies in impactful, purposeful, active online activities, or ‘e-tivities’, that keep learners engaged, motivated, and participating. Grounded in the author’s action research, E-tivities, 2nd Edition assuredly illustrates how technologies shape and enhance learning and teaching journeys.
ISBN: 9780415881760
The Lecturer’s Toolkit: A Practical Guide to Assessment, Learning and Teaching
Publisher’s Synopsis
The fifth edition of The Lecturer’s Toolkit addresses the needs and aspirations of all lecturers teaching in tertiary education. With a focus on practical, implementable strategies to enhance learning experiences and ensure best practice, it covers all of the need-to-know information crucial to teaching success.
Pinpointing aspects of teaching excellence, the challenges and stresses of teaching and adapted to cover digital and online learning as well as face-to-face contexts.
ISBN: 9780367182267

Clinical Skills, Diagnostics and Reasoning – Eureka
Ben Lovell, Mark Lander, Nick Murch
Publisher’s Synopsis
How to undertake key clinical tests, make effective diagnoses and develop logical clinical reasoning.
Clinical Skills, Diagnostics and Reasoning provides detailed coverage of the history and examination of all major body systems. It will be an essential resource as you start on the wards.
Key features:
- an engaging and authoritative style – with everything you need in one place
- realistic clinical cases – these show how skilled clinicians work through a presentation, and put disease and biomedical principles into context
- extensive range of photographs – superb clinical photos show exactly how to undertake a broad range of examinations and tests
- starter questions – stimulating questions and answers to test your knowledge and highlight the level of detail you need
- study boxes – these highlight tips, tricks and key learning points.
ISBN: 9781911510505
Essentials of Kumar & Clark’s Clinical Medicine
N. Zammit (editor), Euan A. Sandilands (editor)
This best-selling book has been fully updated and is accessible, coherent and concise, making it an essential companion for medical students, doctors and health professionals in the UK and around the world.
- Small and compact – can be taken anywhere
- Clearly laid out, logical and easy to follow
- Emergency guide for quick reference
- Illustrations and tables to enhance understanding
- New section on COVID-19
- New chapter on Elderly Medicine and Frailty
ISBN: 9780702082795

Cotton and Williams’ Practical Gastrointestinal Endoscopy The Fundamentals
Publisher’s Synopsis
The fundamental guide to gastrointestinal endoscopy returns in a fully updated new edition
For over forty years, Cotton and Williams’ Practical Gastrointestinal Endoscopy has offered a clear, accessible introduction to the fundamentals of endoscopy, from patient positioning to the range of available procedures. Now updated by a new authorial team to reflect the latest advances in endoscopic procedures, this text promises to serve a new generation of trainees and specialists as the essential introduction to upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopy.
ISBN: 9781119525202
Differential Diagnosis of Common Complaints
Robert H. Seller, Andrew B. Symons
Publisher’s Synopsis
Logically organized around the 36 most common presenting complaints – 80% of what you’re likely to encounter in daily practice – Differential Diagnosis of Common Complaints, 7th Edition, uses a practical, clinically oriented approach to help you master the differential diagnosis of common symptoms. Using a clear, consistent format, it walks you through the problem-solving process that most physicians use to make a diagnosis. This book is the ideal reference for the beginning student and the busy clinician.
ISBN: 9780323512329

Teaching in Nursing and Role of the Educator The Complete Guide to Best Practice in Teaching, Evaluation, and Curriculum Development
Marilyn H. Oermann (editor), Jennie C. De Gagne (editor), Beth Cusatis Phillips (editor)
Publisher’s Synopsis
All the information you need in one textbook!
This all-inclusive text for Nurse Educators delivers comprehensive, evidence-based guidance on the essential components of teaching, including learning theories, teaching methods, new technologies for teaching, curriculum development, evaluation and testing, and accreditation. The text delivers the full scope of knowledge necessary for novice and experienced faculty to become competent teachers in nursing.
ISBN: 9780826152626
Public Sector Strategy: Concepts, Cases and Tools
Publisher’s Synopsis
Addresses a gap in the current strategy textbook offering by combining theoretical grounding with tools for practical implementation, applied specifically to public sector strategic management
Clear step-by-step approach rich with international case studies and real-life examples, as well as a substantial offering of complementary online resources
Suitable for both advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students of Public Sector Strategy and Strategic Management, as well as practitioners and consultants working within public sector organisations
Supports readers in understanding strategic management and its basic concepts, whilst contextualising thoroughly to the public sector and taking the reader further into more up-to-date evaluations and analysis within strategic management than the current textbook offering.
ISBN: 9780367361754

Medicine in a Day Revision Notes : For Medical Exams, Finals, UKMLA and Foundation Years
Berenice Aguirrezabala Armbruster (editor), Hannah Punter (editor), Gregory Peter Oxenham (editor), Hollie Blaber (editor), Marcus Drake (editor)
Publisher’s Synopsis
Medicine in a Day: Revision Notes for Medical Exams, Finals, UKMLA and Foundation Years covers all conditions in the UK Medical Licensing Assessment and more, within just one book! Prepared by a unique combination of authors – including early career stage doctors still close to what is required for exam success, expert educators and senior specialists – Medicine in a Day provides the trusted information you need most when time is short.
Reach for Medicine in a Day when you need to study efficiently, prepare for medical exams, or refresh your memory at any stage of your career.
ISBN: 9780323870986