Spring Information Skills Training Calendar March 2016

The Library provides a wide range of information skill courses. These include longer courses with hands on experience and shorter courses explaining how to access resources. The Training topics include: Searching Healthcare databases, NICE Evidence Search, Critical Appraisal, Twitter, Anatomy Tv, DynaMed – the point of care tool, The Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical Procedures, The Oxford Handbooks Online, and Accessing Full-text Electronic Journals. The Full Training programme & Timetable for Spring 2016 can be found here: Training calendar Spring 2016

All these courses can be delivered in either your department or in a room in GETEC.  They can be organised at a mutually convenient time.  If you are in charge of students on placement, please contact us to discuss training.

To sign up for a training session please email; The Clinical Librarian: hammer.bamhare@geh.nhs.uk or phone ext. 5464