Obstetrics and gynaecology Journal Club

The obstetric and gynaecology journal club will start again on Thursday 3rd September at 12:30pm in the labour wards doctor’s office. We will be looking at “Effectiveness of physical activity interventions on preventing gestational diabetes mellitus and excessive maternal weight gain: a meta-analysis”  http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1471-0528.13429/abstract The session will be lead by Dr Aditi Naik and supported by the librarian, Catherine McLaren.


This article is a systematic review and can be critically appraised by looking at a number of different questions and assessing how well the meta analysis has been undertaken.

  1. Does the review ask a clearly-focused question?
  2. Dose the review include the right kind of studies?
  3. Did the reviewers try to identify all relevant studies?
  4. Did the reviewers assess the quality of the included studies?
  5. Was it reasonable to combine the results?
  6. How are the results presented and what are the results?
  7. How precise are the results?
  8. Can the results be applied to the local population, the patients we treat?
  9. Were all important outcomes considered?
  10. Should policy or your practice change as a results of the evidence continued in this review?

Other articles will be reviewed and assessed in the weeks to come. It is possible that the the review of this article and others will be written up. Further information will be published when it becomes available.