New Time Out Books

This month saw a good number of new donated Time Out Books.  They are mostly romance but with one or two general interest and crime and thriller thrown in.
Interestingly among the romance and family saga novels is one written by Victor Pemberton called Flying with the Angels.  Victor is an author and playwright and worked in television namely with Benny Hill and Dodie Smith.  He also had a long correspondence with Stan Laurel.  He scripted and produced many of the Dr Who TV series.

We have a couple of historical crime novels by David Roberts.  One set at the time of Queen Victoria’s diamond jubilee and the other set in the 1930s at the time of the king and Wallis Simpson.

Two biographical books tell of poverty and abuse in the East End of London written by the mother of  EastEnders actress Martine McCutcheon.  The other in Liverpool written by romance writer Helen Forrester.

For those who interested in WWII there is a book on Hitler written by John Toland and Battlefields of the Second World War by Richard Holmes.

For fans of Martina Cole there are three new books to add to our collection of this popular author.

For all you cooks out there – we have a recipe book using mince, one about bread by Paul Hollywood and Perfect Pies by the Hairy Bikers.

Any member of staff can join the library.  You don’t have to be a medical student or clinician,  after all everyone needs a little ‘time-out’.