New joint service for George Eliot and South Warwickshire launches!

Well now, we’ve changed… but don’t worry, our excellent service will stay the same!

We are so proud to announce that we are now a joint Knowledge and Library service with South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust (SWFT) library. We’re now one team, and we’re looking forward to seeing how we can improve both services in the future. Things have changed immediately for the better, as from October, we’ve introduced a Clinical Librarian service to SWFT, something that hasn’t been available there before. Following on from the success we’ve seen at GEH with this service, we’re expecting our SWFT colleagues to really appreciate having that Clinical Librarian expertise on tap.

You’ll note a few minor changes at GEH in the short term. Our twitter account is now called @GEHSWFTLibrary, and our logos and names will alter slightly across the board to reflect our new change. We’ll have some new staff faces to introduce to you over the next few months, which will be fun. We want to reassure you though, that the library service you know and rely on here at George Eliot can only benefit from the strong links we’re building up with our SWFT colleagues. We have so much planned… from joint teaching and training sessions, to sharing resources and knowledge, to pulling together the very best of both services into one fabulous joint offer.

Good to have some good news for a change, eh?! Don’t forget, if there’s anything you’d like to see, any suggestions of comments you have about our service, you can always get in touch with us at Our doors are always open (just use your swipe card)!