Latest Clinical books

Here is a selection of our latest clinical books:

Quiet – Susan Cain

For far too long, those who are naturally quiet, serious or sensitive have been overlooked. The loudest have taken over – even if they have nothing to say.
It’s time for everyone to listen. It’s time to harness the power of introverts. It’s time for Quiet.

Pediatric Informatics – Christoph U. Lehman

Pediatric Informatics  presents the medical, technical, organizational and economic perspectives on IT in child health, drawing on shared expertise from general and speciality paediatrics, healthcare leadership, pediatric nursing, pharmacy, medical education, quality and safety and information technology.  It promotes knowledge sharing within the pediatric community on the opportunities and challenges that health IT presents to improving child health.

Studying for your Nursing Degree – Jane Bottomley

This book provides you with a sound knowledge and understanding of:

The structure and culture of HE, and how nursing fits into it.
What to expect and what will be expected of you, as a university nursing student.
Teaching and assessment methods within nursing, so that you can perform to the best of your ability in an academic environment.
How to manage your nursing studies in an effective way and make the most of the resources available to you.

Solution Focused Practice – Guy Shennan

Originating in the world of talking therapies, the adaptability and usability of solution-focused practice has made it the approach of choice for a wide range of practitioners in health, social care and educational settings.
setting out the process in a clear and systematic fashion, this book shows how any conversation directed towards change can become a solution-focused one, whether in planned series of sessions with individuals, families or groups, or in the less structured contexts in which many helping professionals work.  full of real-life case examples and stimulating activities, this will be an invaluable guide to anyone wanting to develop their skills in the empowering approach.

Your Life in my Hands, a junior doctor’s story – Rachel Clarke

‘I am a junior doctor. It is 4.a.m. I have run arrest calls, treated life-threatening bleeding held the hand of a young woman dying of cancer, scuttled down miles of dim corridors wanting to sob with sheer exhaustion, forgotten to eat, forgotten to drink, drawn on every fibre of strength that I possess to keep my patients safe from harm’.
This profoundly moving memoir offers a glimpse into a life spent between the dissesction room and the bedside, the mortuary and the doctors’ mess. it captures with tenderness and humanity the highs and lows of a new doctor’s first steps onto the wards.

Clinical Evidence Made Easy – M Harris

This book will help you to understand and appraise clinical research articles and guidelines and assess how they should influence your practice.
It will explain the theory of evidence-based practice, including:

  • Understanding the theory of evidence
  • How to recognise bias
  • Assess research papers
  • Making sense of qualitative research
  • Making use of clinical guidelines
  • What to do with evidence from pharmaceutical companies
  • How to apply the evidence in real life

Blink – Malcolm Gladwell

An art expert instantly spots a fake. A cop decides whether to shoot. A psychologist accurately predicts a couple’s future in minutes.   This book is about those moments when we ‘know’ something without knowing why.  it shows that honing your instincts could change the way you think about thinking forever.

The Tipping Point – Malcolm Gladwell

In this brilliant and original landmark book, Malcolm Gladwell explains and analyses the ‘tipping point’, that magic moment when ideas, trends and social behaviour cross a threshold, tip and spread like wildfire.  Taking a look behind the surface of many familiar occurrences in our everyday world, Gladwell explains the fascinating social dynamics that cause rapid change.