Guess what the reading group had for Christmas?

That’s right…books! Our January 2021 wellbeing reading group meeting Kicked off our reading year in style, with a free and easy session to share what we’re reading right now, and the booky goodness we got for Christmas. It was fabulous to see lots of our old hands, and a couple of newer members discussing all things books and reading. WE even have a retired member of staff still in the mix!

The books recommended were a wide and varied range, so we thought we’d compile a reading list, to inspire anyone looking for an interesting read to see them through lockdown. Amongst those in our reading piles were:



Good vibes, good life by Vex King. Subtitled “How self-love is the key to unlocking your greatness”, this one was being carried around in a handbag ready for a daily dip into inspiration, wisdom and self-care.





The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman. Already a no.1 best seller, a number of our group had either read, or were reading this entertaining crime story.





Shuggie Bain by Douglas Stuart was next in the reading pile for one of our readers, who was eagerly awaiting getting to grips with the 2020 Booker Prize winning novel.







The Flatshare by Beth O’Leary was a current read going down a treat, telling the story of 2 people who’ve never met sharing a flat- one by day, one by night.






Julia Quinn’s Bridgerton novels are waiting to be read after several of our number had watched and enjoyed the recent TV series. Our reader is under strict instructions to report back whether the books as good as the TV show at our next meeting.






It’s not all fiction! One of our number had received Drawing for Beginners along with lots of art supplies and was looking forward to developing their art skills. Another was about to read Invisible Women by Caroline Criado Perez, a book about how the world we live in was mostly designed and built by and for men, forgetting about women and the differences in size, shape and bodies between the sexes.



Piranesi by Susannah Clarke is currently in the hands of another of our group, who sold it as an unusual but interesting book. “In his notebooks, day after day, he makes a clear and careful record of its wonders: the labyrinth of halls, the thousands upon thousands of statues, the tides that thunder up staircases, the clouds that move in slow procession through the upper halls. On Tuesdays and Fridays Piranesi sees his friend, the Other. At other times he brings tributes of food to the Dead. But mostly, he is alone”

I must admit, that’s the one that appeals most to me! The great thing about our group is that we like such a diverse range of genres. There’s always something new to try.





And with that in mind- there are still copies of our next reading group book available in the library, if you’d like to join in. We’ll be meeting via MS Teams on Thursday 4th February at 12 noon, so please get in touch at if you’d like us to send you an invitation

Happy reading everyone!