Coming Soon !!! EBSCO DISCOVERY SERVICE (EDS) and Full –text Finder.

We are proud to announce to our users the soon be to launched EBSCO DISCOVERY SERVICE (EDS) and Full-text Finder. The All-in-One Magic Search Box will be fully functional early December, 2016 with launch and user training arranged soon after. The New EDS will offer a single, unified searching to our databases and catalogue. While the setup and rollout of our EDS is still in progress, we are very excited about how it’s going to change our library users experience in searching our resources and finding information. The New EDS will positively change the way you search for and gather information. The versatility of searching, for instance, will allow you to find resources that simply cannot be retrieved by using our Library Catalogue. Using the new EDS for research will allow you to search as broadly or as narrowly as you prefer while at the same time accessing full-text articles on your topic across a number of databases. The customisable All-in-One Magic Search Box will provide access to the Library collection as well as access to the Healthcare databases such Medline, EMBASE, CINAHL, HMIC, Health business Elite, PsycINFO and PubMed as well as EBook Central, TRIP, BMJ Best Practice, Anatomy TV, NICE Evidence, Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures, and more…

The EDS Quick Search Box will have Basic search and Advanced search options. Searches can be limited to Full Text, Peer Reviewed, and Available in the Library Collection, Title, Publication, Author, Language, Location and Date, etc. To fully exploit and enjoy all these you need to register for Athens username and password

For more Information and Training dates on how to use the New EDS Contact: or Hammer Bamhare, Clinical Librarian Or Tel. 02476865464