Clinical Librarian blog: Working from home

I felt the need to write a post today. I’m not sure what about, or why, but I felt the need, so here it is. I suppose what’s on my mind at the moment is keeping mentally healthy. I’ve very aware of my colleagues on the front line and their need for self-care to stay resilient and protect their mental health. For those of us at home it’s different, but the same need is there. Our mental health is fragile at the moment, and we need to protect ourselves where we can. So here’s what I’m doing whilst I’m working at home…

  1. Limiting my exposure to social media and news. Tricky one this, because one of my tasks at the moment is to monitor our library social media feed, pick up interesting and useful information and communicate it to our users via various means. So during work hours I visit social media sporadically, and limit my time on there to avoid falling down the rabbit hole of interesting/horrifying posts. Outside of work I avoid the news (apart for a quick update once the daily briefing is done) and limit my social media to friends and family stuff- no twitter for example.
  2. Taking a break. I’m lucky enough to have a garden, and I’m spending time outside at lunchtime, and after work. But I also go outside to feel the sun on my face (or wind) when it all feels a bit too much.
  3. Having a work space. Yes, my workspace is in my living room. Yes, it’s on the dining table. But I’m not working in bed, or from places that I need for relaxing. It’s helping me to differentiate, just a little bit.
  4. Being social. Weird to say this one, as I’m not the most social person in the world at the best of times. However I am finding that selected bits of social activity, on my terms, is helpful. It’s nice to see my colleagues faces when we video conference. It’s nice to hear their voices. The same with my family- lots of video chats. I’m also connecting with people via messages, little chats, phone calls.
  5. Taking it a day at a time. Small chunks. As a very wise fish once said- just keep swimming. All any of us can do at the moment, when things are so uncertain.
  6. Being an ostrich. When I need to I put my head in the sand and pretend it’s all gone away. Don’t judge me, I prefer a fantasy world. Always have. So- TV, books, crafting, playing games with the kids… whatever makes it go away for a little bit.
  7. Being thankful. I really am. I’m thankful that I’m with my family, I have food, I have chocolate, I have loo roll… I am in awe of those people I have worked with every day who are now on the front line. I know they’ve always been on the front line, but it’s so much more dangerous now. I wouldn’t have wished for my children to live through this, but I hope it will embed in them that sense of gratitude for what others do for us. That we’re all contributing to the whole of our society. That it’s the working people of this country who are making the difference right now. I’m glad they’ll understand what thanks means.


Wow turns out today’s blog post was pretty deep in the end. Normal service will be resumed shortly. Or maybe not?