Clinical librarian blog- what we do all day.

Morning all! Pretty murky outside my window today, but it’s warm and bright in the library as ever!

I’m hoping for a quieter day today, I’ve just run through the opening up routine, and I’m looking forward to the reading group at lunchtime, but other than that, it’s a day to get things done. Yesterday was fairly epic– my colleagues and I presented at the Trust board meeting, taking the opportunity to sing about our successes to the powers that be. There were a few nerves, but the old adrenaline kicked in, and the board were really, really lovely- we had some smashing comments back, and were praised for our efforts, which is always  A. Good. Thing.

A few weeks ago I attended a Twitter Ninja course, where we were told about methods for making little videos, and so I knocked one up for the board presentation- take a look to see what we do all day!

The other thing I’ve done as follow up from the Twitter Ninja course is to write a list of twitter handles for people in my trust, so that I can include relevant people in our tweets, and try to improve our targeted audience. It’s a very long list- lots of tweeters at GEH.

I’m about to do some prep for a course I’m attending tomorrow on Searching the Deep Web with Karen Blakeman at UHDB. I always enjoy visiting at Derby, they have a great library, and some lovely staff. The workshop looks really interesting and it’ll fit in nicely with one of my chartership goals.


As I mentioned above, it’s our reading group meeting today, and it’s become something I really look forward to in the month. We’ll be discussing a George Eliot book- well it is in the name of the hospital, and it’s her 200th anniversary this month, so it’s apt! It’s Silas Marner, which I wasn’t looking forward to but quite enjoyed. We have a dedicated set of readers in our group, but there’s always room for one more if you fancy it. We have biscuits! Here’s our next book.


Righto, onto my prep for tomorrow and then there’s the never ending policies to review and research. Have a good week, and thanks for reading!