Clinical Librarian blog- The season of sparkle

Hello dear readers! I hope that winter is treating you well. My last few weeks have been as brilliantly challenging as ever, lots to do, lots to learn!

I’m skidding into the season of sparkle full of the joys of policies and evidence searches, with a fair few under my belt this past month. I’ve had a glut of policies and guidelines to check and perform evidence searches about, with one particularly memorable morning when 23 pinged into the mailbox at once! However, I’m able to report that as of this morning (whisper it so that the gods of policy development don’t hear….) I’m up to date! It’ll never last, but let me bask for a moment or two….

In other news, our Billy is back, with the #12Days of Billy taking over our Twitter feed for Christmas. He even has Christmas attire for the occasion (thanks to our brilliant Bev), and we’ll be using him to  advertise our wares, particularly our Christmas competition. About that competition- there’s a book voucher up for grabs (what else!), and the odds are pretty good at the moment, so any GEH staff out there reading this- come and have a go!

We’ve been talking to other teams about our Library Vision, and the biggest issue we’re coming up against is our GEH colleagues knowing about us and what we do. We’ve got plans for how to tackle this, but if anyone out there has any good ideas, please get in touch.

Mallet, J. (2004) ‘Frazz’ [Cartoon]. GoComics, 18 September. Available at: (Accessed: 13/12/18). 

I’m struggling to fit in time for some professional development, so I’m going to trial setting time aside specifically for learning and reflection, and making it a priority in my week instead of the thing that always gets pushed to the back of the queue. I need to get properly motoring on my CILIP chartership in the New Year, so it can’t hurt right?

Today is my final working day of this week and it’s going to end magnificently with a Schwartz Round. I sit on the steering committee for the Rounds, and produce a monthly resource sheet for participants to take away after the session. It’s packed with further reading, videos and online resources, one of which I thought I’d share with you here.


Thanks for reading, Jingle bells!