Clinical librarian blog- Busy, busy, busy!

Oh wow, what a week this has been! I’ve come back from a week’s leave to do battle with more policies for the Trust, and the majority of my week has been spent whipping them in to shape before next week’s meeting. I hate to go into a meeting unprepared, so I feel much better now it’s all sorted. If ever I needed proof that I’m a librarian through and through, it’s there in my glee at ensuring a policy’s referencing all ties up perfectly.

The other big task this week has been working on an evidence search alongside Rayanne, my librarian colleague, investigating how the Trust can better enforce its smoke-free site rules. It came up at last week’s trust wide staff briefing, and we’re working on providing evidence on how other NHS trusts encourage staff, patients and visitors to comply.


Elsewhere, we’ve started a month long Twitter and Instagram initiative introducing our library mascot to all of the fabulous services and resources at William Harvey library. Hopefully it’ll be a bit of fun to read, and our social media followers might learn something new about us.

Personally it’s been quite an exciting week, as I’ve registered with Cilip, the professional body for librarians, to start the process of becoming a chartered librarian. I’ve been a librarian for over 20 years, and my past career in Higher Education led to a teaching qualification, and Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy, but somehow I’ve never chartered. I’m really looking forward to working on my professional development.

Have a great week!