Celebrating Black History Month with eBooks

The Library is celebrating Black History Month throughout October by highlighting books available to borrow from the library or read online. We will be displaying books about diversity, racism and black culture available to borrow from the Library on our lovely Library tree but we also have access to a collection of eBooks which all colleagues working in the NHS in England can access for free.

Diversity and Equality eBooks

23 titles have been made available by Health Education England. All you need to do to read the books online is:

  • Visit https://read.kortext.com/library/books
  • Select NHS in England from the Institution list
  • Sign in with your OpenAthens account
  • Browse the collection or search by author, title or subject.
  • Click on the book image to start reading

Here’s a list of titles (with links) you might be interested to read during Black History Month and beyond:

The 5 disciplines of inclusive leaders 

Religions, Culture and Healthcare: A Practical Handbook for Use in Healthcare Environments

Transforming Lives: Health Initiatives in Faith Communities 

The good immigrant 

Working with difference and diversity in counselling and psychotherapy 

How to be an Anti-Racist 

Medicine and Religion: A Historical Introduction 

Ageing, Diversity and Equality: Social Justice Perspectives Design for Inclusivity Black and Blue: The Origins and Consequences of Medical Racism White Fragility: Why it’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism 

Don’t Touch my Hair

You can browse the entire Kortext collection, which in addition to the Diversity and Equality Collection includes clinical, management, leadership and personal development books, or search by title, author or subject.

If you haven’t yet set up your free NHS OpenAthens account don’t worry. It’s free and easy to register using the online form at: https://openathens.nice.org.uk/

Contact the Library on ext. 5464 or email at library@geh.nhs.uk  if you need any help.