BMJ Case Reports

Are you a clinician, researcher, or trainee with an interesting medical case report you want to share with the healthcare community? Submit your case study manuscript to BMJ Case Reports, an authoritative international journal from the BMJ Group. Knowledge and Library Services have institutional fellowships for both GEH and SWFT. Please email or for the codes.

BMJ Case Reports offers numerous benefits for authors:

Fast Publication – Cases are published promptly online soon after acceptance (42-day median). You’ll benefit from early dissemination and citation of your work.

High Visibility – Your report will be hosted on one of the most visited medical journal websites, helping maximize views and impact for your work (Total content views: 3.64 million).

Global Reach – BMJ Case Reports is indexed around the world, allowing your case to be read by an extensive international audience.

Input from Specialists – Your case will undergo rigorous peer review by a relevant subject expert to ensure accuracy and clinical value (38% acceptance rate).

CPD Accreditation – Publishing provides a valuable opportunity for continuing professional development.

Opportunity to Inform – Share your experience managing challenging cases to help influence diagnostic and treatment approaches.

The editorial team offers helpful author resources and editorial guidance throughout the submission process. BMJ Case Reports accepts submissions in over 35 medical disciplines – your unique case qualifies if it provides significant new learning that will change clinical practice and shift patient care paradigms.

Contact the KLS team today to get our code. More information at