Clinical Librarian blog: My new mate Billy.

Have you spotted Billy the library cat on our library Twitter account? He’s had a full on week finding out about our library services, and we’ve had fun deciding what he’s doing, staging photos and writing posts. By the end of the month we’ll have worked our way through a lot of the services we provide here at William Harvey Library. He’s at #Billythelibrarycat Twitter- @GEHLibrary He’s a handsome chap isn’t he?


This past week has included meetings and visits and training sessions, and all in all has been very productive. Each week I attend the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Grand Round, in my capacity as Clinical Librarian. From this I may be asked to carry out further searches for information to answer a question, or support clinical decision making. It’s a great way of providing up to date and appropriate evidence to clinical staff on relevant topics, plus I get to learn a huge amount just by attending!

Part of my role is helping our users to develop their library and information skills, and today I’ve spent time with one of our nurses, updating her referencing and information searching skills ahead of her beginning a new academic course. I really enjoyed our interaction, it’s great when someone responds to your teaching and really gets it! I’m working with my colleagues to revitalise our training offer- as I’m still quite new it’s useful to look at things with a fresh pair of eyes, and I’m hoping to use my experience from my previous role in academic skills teaching.

I’m an organised person (big surprise, and organised librarian!), so I try to spend some time at the end of each week setting up for what the next week will bring. I’ve got a day out at ta Knowledge Management event next week, so watch this space for more information in next week’s blog instalment!


Have a great week!