Clinical Librarian blog- Poddy McPod Face

Whew! What a week! I was just looking back through my diary to choose a focus for this week’s post, and it’s no wonder I feel tired today!

So, what are the highlights? Well Monday saw my 12 week review- a session of goal setting for the next few months, and reviewing my first 3 months.  I think the overall consensus was positive, my line manager and I were both pleased with how I’ve settled in, and with my progress so far in the job. Quite honestly, it feels like I’ve been here much longer, and I’m relishing all the interesting work coming my way.

Talking of work… it wouldn’t be a blog post without mention of policies! They’ve been a battle this month, and I’m already working on checking references for some of next month’s submissions- it really helps when colleagues send them through early for me to check.

I got to meet lots of other librarians this week, at one of our regular Patch meetings, this time at Warwick University Library. It’s a lively mix of NHS and HE librarians, and they were very welcoming. We managed to fit in a tour of the library at Warwick whilst we were there, it’s great to see how other libraries do things. We came away with some potential ideas for our library environment in the future.

Which leads me neatly on to the new arrival in the Library- our much anticipated pod! The installation was very well managed, and completed in a couple of hours, and the pod is now in pride of place and ready for use. I wanted to name it (hence the blog post title), but I don’t think anyone else was keen! We wanted to respond to the request for a place for small groups to work together without disturbing the rest of the Library, so if you come across and use it, let us know if it works for you. We’ve got a whiteboard in there, so just write us a comment!


And to finish off, an Einstein quote. Have a great week!