Clinical librarian blog- “we couldn’t do it without you!”

Happy new year! Can I still say that? Well I have, so…. I hope the new year is treating you gently. Here in the Midlands, it’s foggy, foggy, foggy, so who knows what January looks like at the moment.

You find me in the last throes of chartership portfolio production. It’s currently with my mentor, having been through several iterations- I found it soooo difficult to cull my evidence down to a manageable level. I’m still not completely happy with it. I had to cut some lovely reflections, that I very much enjoyed writing. I’m trying desperately to get it in before the prices for submission go up, and I suspect I won’t be the only one.

I’ve had a very productive week, lots of searches completed, references checked on guidelines and policies, but I’ve also had time to look at the responses to a survey I sent out to our reading group members last year. We’re a small but perfectly formed group, and so I wasn’t overwhelmed with replies, but those I received had some wonderful things to say about our little group.

“I am definitely enjoying meeting new people who I probably wouldn’t have come into contact with if it hadn’t been for the book group.”

“I don’t feel we meet as workers but more as having ‘timeout’ from a busy workload with people I know, where we have a good debate (and a laugh) for a short time.”

“reading is also a great stress relieving tool”

“Because of the group I have read books I wouldn’t have chosen for myself”

“Keep up the good work library team we couldn’t do it without you!”

How good does that make us feel? Well, pretty great actually.

I’m now working on getting some of that good stuff out there as marketing for the library, and the reading group. My colleague and I attended a course this week called Writing for Results, looking at good copywriting techniques to market ourselves well. This looks like a perfect topic to flex those copywriting muscles I’ve (not) developed.

We’re reading a corker this month- Old Baggage by Lissa Evans. I would never have picked this book up, but I’ve barrelled through it, smiling all the way. The protagonist, Mattie is a corker of a character, well worth a look!


Have a great week all!