Over the past couple of weeks you will have noticed some changes in the library team. At the end of July we said goodbye to Colin, who a been a member of the library team for the past 18 months as Clinician Librarian. We wished him well as he goes back to Rotherham to work.

We welcomed back Catherine McLaren, who has been on a career break, as a librarian who will be working in the team part time 3 days a week; Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. She will be covering the following areas, knowledge management, clinical librarian service and information literacy training. She can be contacted via email and on the internal telephone on 3095.

Stephen Ayre remains as Library Services Manager. Stephen covers all the management and financial areas of the library department and he can be contacted on email or on the internal telephone on 3094.
In the next couple of months the library team will welcome another member, as the other part of the clinical librarian post will be filled. Further updates will be forthcoming.
Bev Wright and Shaheen Shaikh remain as the library assistants and if we can be of help in any way please make contact.