Clinical Librarian post- I’ve got the lavenders

I’ve got the Post Lilac conference blues… Is a Lilac-blue more of a lavender? Well I’ve been a little bit lavender this week then, but not too much. I’ve still got so much to process from last week’s conference, however it took me a couple of days to recover. Sounds ridiculous doesn’t it, recovering from a conference where you’ve been fed good cake, where you’ve sat comfortably in rooms having interesting people tell you fascinating things, but it’s true. I suppose it’s a well-documented concept, the conference-exhaustion, but to be honest, I’ve been too tired to look.
I’m not complaining though. Oh no, I had a splendid time, and although I can’t believe that a week ago I was sat in Ruth Carlyle’s most excellent keynote on health literacy (zoom, there goes another week!), I’m still working through notes and photos and making sense of it all. I’ve promised my colleagues here at the William Harvey Library a trip through my experiences and notes, so that’s focused my mind somewhat. I’d like to write a properly reflective piece too, but I think I’m a little way away from being able to do that coherently.

I asked a question whilst at the conference, wondering how people there took notes and organised their thoughts- the responses were a mixture of tweets, iPads, laptops, notepads… I’ve just asked again to see if anyone has any amazing ideas on how to process notes post-conference. Deep down I know I’ve just got to get on with it, and try to produce something that works for me. I just don’t want to lose those great ideas!


I’m also going to be presenting my experience at LILAC alongside my fellow HEE bursary winner Jo, at the upcoming Midlands and East networking day. So I need to have my ducks in a row before I can tackle that. Ah the joys of a deadline. Focus, Lisa, that’s what’s needed today! Unfortunately I also have a reading group meeting and a journal club taking some of that focus today…

Anyway, the sun is shining, Avengers End Game is amazing, and I guessed a twist in Game of Thrones this week, so life is good. Have a great bank holiday weekend all!