Inner Engineering A Yogi’s Guide to Joy
Publisher’s Synopsis
The practice of what is commonly known as hatha yoga is but one of eight branches of the body of knowledge that is yoga. Yoga is a sophisticated system of self-empowerment that is capable of harnessing and activating inner energies in such a way that your body and mind function at their optimal capacity. It is a means to create inner situations exactly the way you want them, turning you into the architect of your own joy. A yogi lives life in this expansive state, and in this transformative book Sadhguru tells the story of his own awakening from a boy with an unusual affinity for the natural world to a young daredevil who crossed the Indian continent on his motorcycle. He relates the moment of his enlightenment on a mountaintop in southern India, where time stood still and he emerged radically changed. As Sadhguru explains, the term guru means, “Dispeller of darkness, someone who opens the door for you. As a guru, I have no doctrine to teach, no philosophy to impart, no belief to propagate. And that is because the only solution for all the ills that plague humanity is self-transformation. Self-transformation means that nothing of the old remains. It is a dimensional shift in the way you perceive and experience life.”
ISBN: 9780143428848
The Advantages of Nearly Dying
Michael Rosen
Publisher’s Synopsis
Michael Rosen was dangerously ill from COVID at the beginning of 2020 and as doctors told him, if he hadn’t received treatment, he would have ‘gone’. While he was in hospital, 42% of the patients on his intensive care ward died. He spent three months in hospital, of which nearly seven weeks were in an induced coma, followed by several weeks recovering in an ordinary ward and then in a Rehabilitation Hospital. He couldn’t walk and his memory was damaged. Three years later his hearing and eyesight are still badly affected (‘I can’t hear with my left eye, I can’t see with my left ear and I get muddled’).
Following his best-selling COVID memoirs Many Different Kinds of Love: a story of life, death and the NHS and Sticky McStickstick: the friend who helped me walk again, his new collection for grown-ups records his bewilderment with what’s happened, and shares his thoughts about the politics of the pandemic – the ‘crazed incompetence’ of the Tory government and the war against the ‘Oldies’ that led to over 200,000 dead in the UK. Unforgiving, whimsical, grim, warm, philosophical and comical, The Advantages of Nearly Dying is a book about hospital appointments, waiting-rooms, blood-tests, brain-scans, eye-tests – and a song of praise for the NHS.
ISBN: 9781739772291

Anaesthesia A Guide for Medical Students – Bare Bones
Adam Arshad
Publisher’s Synopsis
A one-stop full-colour resource which provides tailored, guideline-specific information to prepare you for your medical school examinations.
Bare Bones Anaesthesia is an exciting new text appropriate for the level of a medical student to excel in their medical school examinations. It contains all the core information you need to know and includes important MCQ and OSCE tips for those tricky situations that examiners attempt to catch medical students out on. These are highlighted throughout the textbook to emphasize their importance for your learning and to focus your understanding.
Written by a team of junior doctors, who have recently been through medical schools, the book gives you the essential information in an easy-to-use format.
ISBN: 9781911510987
Applied Knowledge in Paediatrics MRCPCH Mastercourse
Martin Hewitt (editor), Roshan Adappa (editor), Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (associated with work)
Publisher’s Synopsis
The essential guide to passing the MRCPCH Applied Knowledge in Practice (AKP) exam.
Closely aligned to the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) theory examination syllabus and also reflective of current UK practice. Applied Knowledge in Paediatrics will leave the reader with a sound knowledge of all the core topics relevant to paediatrics and child health. It will also provide a useful study aid for those undertaking the MRCPCH Applied Knowledge in Practice examination.
The book covers how and why illnesses develop in children and young people, the appropriate investigations and treatment required, the urgency of implementation and the impact of the disease process on the child and their family.
This comprehensive text is edited by Dr Martin Hewitt, a Senior Theory Examiner for the AKP examination, and Dr Roshan Adappa a Senior clinician and postgraduate trainer, with expert input from more than 60 paediatric specialists. 33 chapters provide comprehensive information of all areas of paediatric practice.
Level of detail to support clinical practice of paediatricians with 12-18 months experience
Directly aligned to the Applied Knowledge in Practice syllabus and examination
50 sample questions along with answers and reasoning explaining each of the answer options
Chapter on how to prepare for the RCPCH AKP examination
Clinical scenarios in each chapter outlining difficult clinical problems and proposed management plans
Clinical images to aid understanding
ISBN: 9780702080371

Communication in Midwifery Theory and Practice
Tania Staras (editor)
Publisher’s Synopsis
Kind, honest and open communication is at the heart of midwifery care and maternity practice, and is vital in providing safe, person-centred care.
This new book explores communication in midwifery from a range of perspectives and across different settings. It considers the theoretical and practical dimensions of communication, including how and why we communicate and who we communicate with. It uses case studies and practical examples to put ideas into real-world context and to explore topic areas in ways which are thought-provoking, accessible and useful to practitioners.
Above all, Communication in Midwifery supports midwives in developing their theoretical understanding around communication and building a practical toolkit of ideas and strategies for use in a range of settings and with diverse groups of people. It helps midwives and other caregivers in navigating the nuanced and complex situations they encounter every day where clear, honest and collaborative communication is vital.
Useful at all stages of a midwife’s career from undergraduate to qualified midwife
Covers communication in pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period; the use of written, verbal and non-verbal approaches; and complex scenarios where communication may be challenging, such as diverse groups, trauma and loss
Explores new methods of communicating, including the use of the internet and social media, and their benefits and challenges
Highlights the importance of communication between professions and ways this can be enhanced
Covers contemporary issues of consent, risk and safety in maternity care
ISBN: 9780323883993
Developing Clinical Competence A Workbook for the OTA
Marie J. Morreale
Publisher’s Synopsis
A newly updated, user-friendly resource for occupational therapy assistant students and new practitioners, Developing Clinical Competence: A Workbook for the OTA, Second Edition assists readers in developing practical problem-solving and “‘real-life”‘ skills essential for fieldwork and clinical practice. Maintaining the easy-to-read workbook format from the First Edition, this book is filled with learning activities, worksheets, and detailed answer explanations, as well as expanded chapter content and revised references.
Marie J. Morreale breaks down competencies into step-by-step units to allow for independent study. With multiple choice, matching, true/false, and fill-in-the-blanks questions; case studies; vignettes; and experiential activities, this Second Edition presents helpful tips in their most useful format. Guiding the reader through occupational therapy clinical decision making, professional conduct, and meeting standards of care for various practice areas, each chapter is fully independent and can be read in the order most conducive to the reader’s individual learning needs. This text can help readers measure attainment of knowledge and skills when preparing for fieldwork, the national certification exam, or transitioning to entry-level practice.
ISBN: 9781630918965

Drain’s Perianesthesia Nursing A Critical Care Approach
Jan Odom-Forren (author), Cecil B. Drain (associated with work)
Publisher’s Synopsis
Trusted for more than 30 years, Drain’s PeriAnesthesia Nursing: A Critical Care Approach, 8th Edition provides comprehensive clinical content tailored specifically for perianesthesia nurses. An easy-to-use format with five distinct sections – covering the PACU, anatomy and physiology, pharmacology, nursing care, and special considerations – means you get the equivalent of five books in one. Nursing and pharmacologic interventions are integrated with in-depth coverage of pathophysiology, and updated content includes the latest standards and current issues affecting perianesthesia nursing practice. Focusing on research, documentation, and psychosocial considerations, this is the one book that can take you all the way from being a novice nurse in the PACU to preparing for CPAN® or CAPA® certification!
ISBN: 9780323791281
Essential Skills for a Medical Teacher An Introduction to Teaching and Learning in Medicine
Ronald M. Harden, Jennifer M. Laidlaw
Publisher’s Synopsis
Perfect for new teachers in undergraduate, postgraduate, or continuing education, as well as more experienced educators who want to assess, improve, and gain new perspectives on teaching and learning, Essential Skills for a Medical Teacher is a useful, easy-to-read professional resource. This book offers a concise introduction to the field of medical education, with key coverage of educational models and theory that can help inform teaching practice. Clear illustrations and practical tips throughout make it an excellent starting point for those new to the field of medical education or who want to facilitate more effective learning for their students or trainees.
ISBN: 9780702078545

Essentials of Equipment in Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Peri-Operative Medicine
Baha Al-Shaikh, Simon Stacey
Publisher’s Synopsis
Easy to read and follow, Essentials of Equipment in Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Perioperative Medicine makes an otherwise dry subject digestible and easy to learn. This practical textbook comprehensively covers all the equipment used in the operating theatre and intensive care unit, including why it is used and any related safety concerns. It has been fully updated in its sixth edition to include new technologies introduced during the Covid-19 pandemic.
This is ideal as the main text for all trainees undertaking the primary FRCA exams and is also suitable anyone who works with anaesthetic equipment, including anaesthetic and intensive care nurses and operating department practitioners. It features concise and consistent text and illustrations, self-assessment features, and exam tips.
- Portable, concise and simply formatted – a perfect practical companion
- Clear coloured images and illustrations bring the text to life
- Follows the Royal College of Anaesthetists postgraduate training and exam syllabus
- Summary boxes, more than 100 exam style questions, and OSCE stations and exam tips all aid the reader in exam revision
New information on: Aladin Cassettes; Glostavent machine; CONTRAfluran system; videolaryngoscopy and high definition camera use in intubation and endoscopy; use of ultrasound in epidural; Penthrox; NRFit devices; Cell saver; ECMO
Covers new equipment and fully updated relevant to current practice
Suggested further reading fully updated
ISBN: 9780323848459
Fundamentals of Nursing and Midwifery Research A Practical Guide for Evidence-Based Practice
Lisa McKenna, Beverley Copnell
Publisher’s Synopsis
This book presents a unique approach to teaching the principles of health research using practical case studies with which nurses and midwives can engage to gain the skills to read and understand reports, evaluate the quality of research, synthesise different studies and be able to evaluate their effectiveness when applied to clinical practice.
The book covers core concepts and principles, including the following:
- What evidence is and why understanding research is vital
- Finding reliable sources of evidence
- The nature of the research process
- Understanding quantitative and qualitative research
- Ethical considerations
- Using research to guide clinical practice
Throughout the book, activities, summaries and review questions help ground theory in real-life scenarios, showing how evidence-based practice can be applied in every aspect of nursing and midwifery care. It is designed for nurses and midwives, from those just beginning their studies to qualified practitioners undertaking their first research projects.
ISBN: 9781032539539

Getting Better Life Lessons on Going Under, Getting Over It, and Getting Through It
Michael Rosen
Publisher’s Synopsis
In our lives, terrible things may happen. Michael Rosen has grieved the loss of a child, lived with debilitating chronic illness, and faced death itself when seriously unwell in hospital. In spite of this he has survived, and has even learned to find joy in life in the aftermath of tragedy.
In Getting Better, he shares his story and the lessons he has learned along the way. Exploring the roles that trauma and grief have played in his own life, Michael investigates the road to recovery, asking how we can find it within ourselves to live well again after – or even during – the darkest times of our lives. Moving and insightful, Getting Better is an essential companion for anyone who has loved and lost, or struggled and survived.
ISBN: 9781529148909
The Good Research Guide Research Methods for Small-Scale Social Research Projects – Open UP Study Skills
Martyn Denscombe
Publisher’s Synopsis
The Good Research Guide provides practical and straightforward guidance for those who need to conduct small-scale research projects as part of their undergraduate, postgraduate or professional studies.
The 7th edition covers topics in a clear, user-friendly style outlining the key points and explaining why they are important.
The new edition has been updated throughout and has additional material on topics such as social media research, online surveys, image-based research and participatory action research. It also features new chapters on how to prepare for a research project, with specific guidance on:
· how to undertake a literature review
· how to write a research proposal
· how to ensure the research is ethical
· how to locate the project within a research paradigm
Full of practical advice and valuable examples, this is the go-to book for students looking to improve their research skills.
ISBN: 9780335249831