This month our Twitter #HealthChat focussed on getting back on track for the New Year. If, like us, you’re not a big fan of new year’s resolutions, but want to make some positive changes in 2023, read on for some fab resources to tap into.

The New Year is a time for renewal so we posed the question- what resources are there online to improve my health and wellbeing?
The NHS Better Health web pages have advice about healthy living, diet, weight, exercise, stopping smoking & drinking less alcohol. It’s a great place to start and it links to lots of support and apps that you can access www.nhs.uk/better-health/ . You could also use the NHS Calculate your Heart Age calculator to find out if you should make healthy lifestyle changes, and what those changes should be www.nhs.uk/health-assessment-tools/calculate-your-heart-age

It’s easy to overindulge during the festive season, the Drinkaware web site shows current UK health guidelines on weekly alcohol unit limits, binge drinking and avoiding alcohol during pregnancy www.drinkaware.co.uk/facts/alcoholic-drinks-and-units/low-risk-drinking-guidelines They offer questionnaires and even a digital scratch card to help you to assess your drinking habits or health risks and an app to help track your units https://t.co/IkaIwNVozM Whether you are interested for yourself or if you are worried about someone else, there is help and advice available from the @Drinkaware Drinkchat and Support lines www.drinkaware.co.uk/advice
A useful framework to help with wellbeing is the 5 ways to wellbeing. Find out more at www.warwickshire.gov.uk/fivewaystowellbeing

Our second discussion was around what’s available on a local basis to help you to get back on track. SearchOut Warwickshire from @Warwickshire_CC is the place to find organisations, services and events local to you. https://searchout.warwickshire.gov.uk/
Warwickshire Libraries provide a warm welcome to everyone, with ‘Crafternoon’ sessions and cosy corners to sit and relax in Find your nearest Warm Welcome location at www.costoflivingwarwickshire.co.uk/home/warm-welcome-locations They also have a wide range of Reading Well book collections available to borrow. At George Eliot’s William Harvey Library and SWFT’s Education Centre Library we also have copies of books on wellbeing, self-help titles, and uplifting reads.
If your new start plans include walking more and you’d like to plan a hiking trip Warwickshire Libraries loan Ordnance Survey Maps. Type OS MAPS on their library catalogue to see what’s available. Don’t forget the Borrowbox app- you can download it to listen to eAudiobooks and read eBooks for free with your Warwickshire Libraries card https://t.co/GthAvgLEXq

Finally we looked at reliable support and advice to get household finances back on track in January.
As with health advice it’s important to use reliable sources of information and support. MoneyHelperUK have free guidance on managing debt, pensions and benefits, plus tools to help you budget and plan www.moneyhelper.org.uk/en
For advice and links to support with the cost of living crisis visit the website of the charity Turn2Us www.turn2us.org.uk/Get-Support You’ll also find information about advice, grants and benefits for different situations such as redundancy, for carers, disability and those who work but have a low income. www.turn2us.org.uk/Your-Situation/In-Work-on-a-low-income There’s also links to advice and where to find urgent financial help e.g. local food banks, school meals and managing unexpected costs www.turn2us.org.uk/Benefit-guides/Emergency-Information/don-t-have-enough-to-eat
People living with long term health conditions often have additional household expenses. Major health charities like @kidneycareuk often have information on what financial support is available https://www.kidneycareuk.org/get-support/financial-support/
Sadly scams are becoming more sophisticated but @CitizensAdvice have an online scam checker tool, with advice on what to do if you’ve been the victim of a scam and guidance on staying safe online https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/consumer/scams/check-if-something-might-be-a-scam/
Our next #HealthChat will be at 11am on Monday 6th February 2023 and we’ll be supporting Children’s Mental Health Week and the Safer Internet Day. Join us on Twitter at https://twitter.com/GEHSWFTLibrary