Day in the Life of a Senior Library Asssistant

Bev Wright aMy day starts at 9.00am.  The issue desk is already opened up as the Clinical Librarian comes in at 8.30 when the library is due to be staffed.

After logging on to the Library Management System, I check the Book Drop Bin for returned books while the library is unstaffed.  I then return any books to the shelves.

I then start the Opening Procedure.  I have a patrol around the library making sure the pc area’s computers are ready for customers.  A tidy of the library then follows; pushing any chairs under the tables and making sure all the lights are working and the printer is stocked with paper.  The Library Seminar Room is unlocked ready for people coming to meetings.  A quick look at the shelves and tables to see if any books are left lying about, these are then shelved.
The phones are then checked for messages and a check of the interlibrary loan box to see if anyone has left any requests to do.

Then comes some regular tasks on the computer.  The Athens admin page is checked for any new users and people who are having a problem logging in. Emails are sent to these people offering help with training or logging in.

The library offers a Horizon Scan for managers at the Trust.  Every month a document goes out on our webpage for people to access blog entries and news reports via three sites; Kings Fund, NHS England and Department of Health.

Like a lot of organisations these days the library has a presence on social media.  Every week we send out a ‘story’ on Storify to Twitter.  These are the library, the Trust and other organisations in the West Midlands’ Tweets for the week put together to make one ‘story’.

I am also the chief in charge of our Time-Out collection which is our non-clinical book collection.   I am responsible for adding books and deleting books in the collection.  All these books have been donated so if you have any books that you think we may like please feel free to ask us or bring your books.  I am currently having a weed of old stock of Time Out books and a good number of new titles will be on display.

Apart from the regular tasks I am on hand to serve at the issue desk for enquires, book loans, etc.  Anything else can crop up too, from photocopying, dealing with interlibrary loan requests, helping someone print to changing the toner on the printer.

At the end of the day I complete the closing procedure.  This consists of locking the seminar room and the training rooms, turning off all the computers saving the Trust a little on electricity.  A quick tidy of the library putting any books back that have been left lying around.  I make sure there is plenty of paper in the printer in case we have late or early morning photocopying. Drawers are locked and the till money is locked away.


Bev Wright