Building and Improving Health Literacy in the ‘New Normal’ of Health Care Frameworks and Actions – European Health Management in Transition
Federico Lega, Pia Kreutzer
Publisher’s Synopsis
Research shows that low health literacy (HL) is linked to poorer mental and physical health, increased health inequalities and less cost-effective health care systems. HL results in Europe indicate that almost 50% of the respondents in eight member states of the European Union displayed limited HL. Reasons for this range from demographic to socioeconomic, health-related and economic relationships that need to be explored to understand why policymakers and health care managers should care about health literacy.
Building and Improving Health Literacy in the ‘New Normal’ of Health Care explores how health literacy is assessed and measured, both systematically in scientific studies as well as “ad hoc” by medical professionals. The latter shapes how medical staff interacts with patients and therefore is a crucial aspect of patients’ understanding. Exemplary data of health literacy results are explained, with a focus on where to obtain health information and how it is communicated, leading on to a discussion exploring how innovations can remedy these potential problems.
Building and Improving Health Literacy in the ‘New Normal’ of Health Care identifies desirable paths of action to improve health literacy amongst patients, focusing on new technologies that could facilitate reducing health disparities. It is an essential read for policymakers and health care managers.
ISBN: 9781837533398
Gynaecological Ultrasound Scanning Tips and Tricks
K. Jayaprakasan, Lukasz T. Polanski, Kamal Ojha
Publisher’s Synopsis
This practical guide covers all aspects of gynaecological ultrasound, focusing on good technique, the ultrasound machine and reporting. Written by experts with a strong reputation for training in the field, this book takes a ‘tips and tricks’ approach. Chapters cover topics such as equipment familiarization, principles of transvaginal ultrasound, the awkward uterus, the difficult ovary, and ART-related procedures. The authors discuss the use of both basic ultrasound and 3D machines, and provide tips on how to optimize the image and gain useful clinical information even in the most challenging of assessments. With a multitude of images included to train the eye to identify normal anatomy and common pathologies, chapter summary boxes and case-based examples also provide an easy reference for assessing conditions and lesions. This book will greatly improve the scanning technique of trainees in obstetrics and gynaecology, sonographers, reproductive medicine practitioners, and gynaecologists of any level.
ISBN: 9781316645178

Health Literacy in a Nutshell
Don Nutbeam, Danielle Muscat
Publisher’s Synopsis
Health Literacy in a Nutshell will help you understand how to be a better communicator, and how to work more effectively with patients and communities in helping them to find, understand and use health information to make good decisions about their health.
Health Literacy in a Nutshell is an essential resource for students and frontline practitioners who want to improve their understanding of health literacy and health communication. This book provides a useful prompt on key issues, as well as guidance on how to organise and deliver interventions to improve health literacy.
Written by internationally recognised leaders in the field, this compact, easy-to-use guide provides pragmatic advice and guidance. It draws upon the best available scientific evidence with numerous practical examples of effective communication to improve health literacy among patients and community populations.
ISBN: 9781760427337
Intensive Care – A Thin Line Between Survival and Dehumanization
Yogesh Manhas
Publisher’s Synopsis
Intensive care unit (ICU) is a specialised section of the hospital that has all the necessary monitoring and therapeutic equipment as well as a team of skilled professionals who can manage critically ill patients requiring life support. Acute severe illnesses like septic shock, acute respiratory distress syndrome, heart failure, severe trauma, poisoning and many others that were once considered fatal have good survival with intensive care. While there is no doubt that intensive care save lives, mention of ICU can create a feeling of unease and intimidation among patient and their families. Patients in ICU are socially isolated, sedated, unable to communicate and sometimes restrained. They lose control over their faculties and are dependent on ICU staff which make them vulnerable to dehumanization.
ISBN: 9781636409412

Managing Stress – Practice Manuals for Busy Professionals
Neil Thompson
Publisher’s Synopsis
The Managing Stress Practice Manual, 2nd ed, provides the ideal stress management tool for practitioners across the public sector and professionals at all levels in business and management.
The modern world of work is highly pressurised, with stress levels affecting workers’ health and little to no understanding of the roots of stress, making workers feel overwhelmed and lacking the confidence to do anything about it. This book takes a holistic look at stress, offering clear and practical guidance on
- how to manage pressure,
- how to prevent stress,
- what to do if stress arises and
- how to deal with the aftermath of stress.
By taking a deeper look, this book provides the reader with a full understanding, taking the narrow focus away from the individual themselves, and thereby taking away the ‘blame the victim’ message that can add to stress.
This latest edition features new content including:
- current pressures caused by Covid-19,
- stress related to job insecurity,
- financial stress and the cost of living crisis
- issues around neurodiversity.
It explains complex ideas clearly and accessibly, including practical examples and exercises throughout, with a repertoire of strategies and sources of help that will be invaluable to practitioners and business professionals alike.
ISBN: 9781916925342
Principles of Manual Therapy
Deepak Sebastian
Publisher’s Synopsis
Manual therapy, also known as manipulative therapy, is a physical treatment that is typically used in conjunction with traditional physical therapy techniques. The physical therapist will use their hands to apply pressure on muscle tissue and/or manipulate joints of the body, as opposed to using a machine or device. This new edition is a complete guide to manual therapy for physiotherapists. Divided into four parts, the first section explains the principles and techniques of manual therapy, followed by discussion on it use for disorders in both the spine and upper and lower musculoskeletal extremities. The next part covers manual therapy techniques for mechanical peripheral nerve entrapment, with the final parts of the book describing therapy for regional conditions (cervical, thoracic, lumbopelvic, hip, knee and extremities); and neglected zones in the upper and lower quarters of the body. Authored by a Michigan-based expert in the field, the third edition has been fully revised to provide the latest techniques in manual therapy. The comprehensive text is further enhanced by clinical photographs, illustrations and tables. Key points Complete guide to manual therapy for physiotherapists Fully revised, third edition with new topics included Authored by Michigan-based expert in the field Previous edition (9789350903049) published in 2012.
ISBN: 9789352703012

Many Different Kinds of Love A Story of Life, Death and the NHS
Michael Rosen (author), Chris Riddell (illustrator)
Publisher’s Synopsis
The instant Sunday Times top ten bestseller
A Guardian Book of the Year
An Evening Standard Book of the Year
An Independent Book of the Year
Netgalley’s non-fiction Book of the Year
A national treasure’s journey to the brink and back.
‘Will I wake up?’
‘There’s a 50:50 chance.’
Michael Rosen wasn’t feeling well. Soon he was struggling to breathe, and then he was admitted to hospital, suffering from coronavirus as the nation teetered on the edge of a global pandemic.
What followed was months on the wards: six weeks in an induced coma, and many more weeks of rehab and recovery as the NHS saved Michael’s life, and then got him back on his feet. Throughout Michael’s stay in intensive care, a notebook lay at the end of his bed, where the nurses who cared for him wrote letters of hope and support. Embarking on the long road to recovery, Michael was soon ready to start writing about his near-death experience.
Combining stunning new prose poems by one of Britain’s best loved poets and the moving coronavirus diaries of his nurses, doctors and wife Emma-Louise Williams, this is a beautiful book about love, life and the NHS. Featuring original illustrations by Chris Riddell, each page celebrates the power of community, the importance of kind gestures in dark times, and the indomitable spirits of the people who keep us well.
ISBN: 9781529109467

Davina McCall, Naomi Potter
Publisher’s Synopsis
Winner of The British Book Awards 2023 Overall Book of the Year
‘We can’t wait for this.’ Red
Menopausing is more than just a book, it’s a movement. An uprising.
Menopause affects every woman, and yet so many approach it with shame, fear, misinformation or silence.
Why is no one talking about this? Who has the correct information? And how can we get it?
That’s how this book has come about. We are going to tell you the truth, so you can make an informed decision about your life and your body … mic drop.’
For too long, women have had to keep quiet about the menopause – its onset, its symptoms, its treatments – and what it means for us. Menopausing will build an empowered, supportive community to break this terrible silence once and for all. By exploring and explaining the science, debunking damaging myths, and smashing the taboos around the perimenopause and menopause, this book will equip women to make the most informed decisions about their health… and their lives.
Menopausing will also celebrate the sharing of stories, enabling women to feel less alone and more understood, and talk openly and positively about menopause.
ISBN: 9780008517786
Midwifery Care for Pregnant Women Who Live With Obesity A Guide to Explaining the Risks and Providing Practical Advice
Yvonne M. Greig
Publisher’s Synopsis
This practical guide equips midwives with the skills and knowledge necessary to support pregnant women living with obesity, from communicating meaningfully about weight through to providing evidence-based information about optimising health and making changes.
Beginning with an overview of what living with obesity means for women, this book supports midwives to develop consultation skills and structure their encounters with women for maximum effect. It presents up-to-date, evidence-based information about the impact of obesity on pregnant women and their unborn babies from conception to birth and beyond. Chapters on changing health behaviours, nutrition and physical activity explore how to mitigate these risks and optimise health.
Including reflective questions and case studies, this book is designed for practising and student midwives looking to develop their personalised care and communication skills.
ISBN: 9781032365138

Miller’s Basics of Anesthesia
Manuel Pardo (editor)
Publisher’s Synopsis
Long regarded as the undisputed leading text of its kind, Miller’s Basics of Anesthesia provides comprehensive yet concise coverage of both basic science and clinical topics in anesthesiology. Under the experienced editorial leadership of Dr. Manuel C. Pardo, Jr., the 8th Edition has been meticulously updated to reflect the latest advances in practice and important aspects of contemporary anesthesia care, including pathophysiology, pharmacology, regional anesthesia, anesthetic management, and special problems and patient groups. It remains the first learning resource of choice for anesthesia providers, including anesthesia residents and fellows, medical students, and student registered nurse anesthetists, and is also a valuable review tool for practitioners undergoing maintenance of certification or recertification.
ISBN: 9780323796774
Morgan & Mikhail’s Clinical Anesthesiology Handbook
Richard D. Urman (author), Patricia T. LaMontagne (editor)
Publisher’s Synopsis
A high-yield, abridged version of the bestselling guide to general anesthesia and perioperative medicine
Drawing from the trusted classic, Morgan and Mikhail’s Clinical Anesthesiology Handbook has been pared down to the most essential information needed by anesthesia practitioners.
The Handbook provides condensed, practical content relevant to clinical anesthesiology practice, covering topics within preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative care. Many tables and figures have been retained from the larger textbook. This new abridged resource serves as a high-yield review of the core content of the larger text, with bolded key concepts for ease of reference, Q&A, and more.
Convenient, abridged version-less than half the length of origin text
Ideal resource for residents and trainees preparing for daily activity
High-yield review with variety of review techniques, including Q&A
ISBN: 9781264551545

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Surgery – Oxford Medical Handbooks
Greg R. McLatchie (editor), Neil R. Borley (editor), Anil Agarwal (editor), Santhini Jeyarajah (editor), Rhiannon Harris (editor), Ruwan Weerakkody (editor)
Publisher’s Synopsis
The fifth edition of this bestselling Oxford Medical Handbook is now even better than ever, with the inclusion of three new chapters on day case surgery, remote and rural surgery, and emergency surgery. It has been thoroughly revised with the latest guidelines, management algorithms, and guidance on decision-making. Now with the editorial team expanded to include four new associate editors, this new edition provides an accessible pocket reference for surgical trainees, medical students, and all those involved in the care of the surgical patient. It is thoroughly comprehensive, without sacrificing the clear, concise, and quick-reference style the Oxford Medical Handbooks are known for. It provides surgically relevant anatomy and physiology, quick reference symbols, key diagrams, and a focus on evidence-based practice with key references throughout. This essential guide will ensure you have the information you need at your fingertips.
ISBN: 9780198799481
Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice – Oxford Handbooks in Nursing
Suzanne J. Hughes (editor)
Publisher’s Synopsis
Filled with clinical information and practical advice, this second edition of the Oxford Handbook of Perioperative Practice has been substantially updated to reflect changes in the field. Taking a logical sequence to follow the journey of the patient from anaesthesia to surgery, then on to the post-anaesthetic recovery area, it provides guidance on all aspect of patient care and support. Specialty surgery, such as bariatric surgery, has been included in a new chapter to cover developments in the field and the increase in NHS provision of these services since the first edition was published. This has been reflected in covering the pre-surgical requirements to newer types of surgery, including psychological interventions and implications for practitioners who need to cover anaesthetics, surgery, and post-anaesthetic care separately. With easy to access information about essential information and various medical conditions, this volume has been written by expert teaching staff and clinicians who work within the speciality. Unique and indispensable, this book gives a wealth of practical information at your fingertips.
ISBN: 9780198783787

Practical Guide to the Assessment of Clinical Competence
Eric S. Holmboe, Steven J. Durning
Publisher’s Synopsis
Offering a multifaceted, practical approach to the complex topic of clinical assessment, Practical Guide to the Assessment of Clinical Competence, 3rd Edition, is designed to help medical educators employ better assessment methods, tools, and models directly into their training programs. World-renowned editors and expert contributing authors provide hands-on, authoritative guidance on outcomes-based assessment in clinical education, presenting a well-organized, diverse combination of methods you can implement right away. This thoroughly revised edition is a valuable resource for developing, implementing, and sustaining effective systems for assessing clinical competence in medical school, residency, and fellowship programs.
ISBN: 9780443112263
Procedural Skills – Medical Student Survival Skills
Philip Jevon (author), Ruchi Joshi (author), Jonathan Pepper (editor), Jamie Coleman (editor)
Publisher’s Synopsis
Medical students encounter many challenges on their path to success, from managing their time, applying theory to practice, and passing exams. The Medical Student Survival Skills series helps medical students navigate core subjects of the curriculum, providing accessible, short reference guides for OSCE preparation and hospital placements. These guides are the perfect tool for achieving clinical success.
Medical Student Survival Skills: Procedural Skills is the ideal guide for medical students tasked with performing a core set of clinical procedures. A vital part of any medical training, these procedures range from basic body temperature and blood pressure measurements to more advanced arterial blood gas sampling and ophthalmoscopic techniques. This indispensable guide enables students to quickly lookup relevant information on the go, carry out clinical procedures with minimal supervision and apply procedural knowledge to their OSCE exams.
ISBN: 9781118870570

Teaching Professional Attitudes and Basic Clinical Skills to Medical Students A Practical Guide
Jochanan Benbassat
Publisher’s Synopsis
The second edition of this concise, easy-to-read title is designed for clinical teachers looking to refine their approach to teaching professional attitudes and basic skills to medical students. The core sections on communication skills, physical examination, and clinical reasoning have been fully updated; and the book has been expanded to cover such topics as the role of the social and behavioral sciences in clinical care, quality assurance of patient care, and the rationing of medical resources in clinical practice. On all topics, the renowned author clearly and adroitly offers keen insights gleaned from his long career, explaining the importance of these topics and how students form their own opinions about them. For example, writes the author, the primary goal of teaching the social and behavioral sciences is to raise awareness that age, low socioeconomic status, recent life events, drug dependence, mental illness, high body mass index, and belonging to an ethnic minority are risk indicators for morbidity. Second, the author address second opinions, outlining how not getting a second opinion is a cause of health care disparities. In addition, the author discusses how unexpected study results should not be ignored, nor should they be considered definitive evidence, but rather hypotheses that should be tested by further studies. Teaching Professional Attitudes and Basic Clinical Skills to Medical Students: A Practical Guide, 2nd Edition will be of great assistance to teachers who must provide an approach not only to teaching patient interviewing and the physical examination but to teaching key, clinically relevant topics of the behavioral and social sciences that are so vital to developing an effective, well-rounded physician.
ISBN: 9783031265419