Pocket Guide to Teaching for Clinical Instructors – Advanced Life Support Group
Kevin Mackie (editor), Kate Denning (editor)
Publisher’s Synopsis
New edition of the popular guide to the practical aspects of teaching and fundamental learning principles in clinical practice
Pocket Guide to Teaching for Clinical Instructors contains theoretical input on all the modalities of teaching and assessment required for life support training through the Advanced Life Support Group and Resuscitation Council UK blended learning approach. This guide does not attempt to provide a blueprint for teaching-rather, it gives advice about the basics, which can be adapted to your personality and creativity.
This Fourth Edition has been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect the latest in the evolution of education methods applicable to provider courses. The text is relevant to a 21st century audience and graphics have been introduced to make the materials more readable, applicable, and accessible.
Occupational Therapy Interventions Function and Occupations
Catherine Meriano, Donna Latella
Publisher’s Synopsis
Occupational Therapy Interventions: Functions and Occupations, Second Edition is a unique and comprehensive text intended to provide the essential information required for occupational therapy practice in the physical approach to the intervention process. This practical and user-friendly text offers an entry-level approach to bridging the American Occupational Therapy Association’s Occupational Therapy Practice Framework,Third Edition with everyday practice, specifically concerning interventions.
Dr. Catherine Meriano and Dr. Donna Latella focus each chapter of the text on an area of occupation, evidence-based practice, current intervention options, as well as a specific hands-on approach to grading interventions. Although the focus of the text is the intervention process, Occupational Therapy Interventions: Function and Occupations, Second Edition also includes a detailed “Evaluation Grid” which offers a unique approach to choosing occupational therapy evaluations.

Fields Virology. Volume 4 Fundamentals
Peter M. Howley (editor), David M. Knipe (editor), Bernard N. Fields (associated with work)
Publisher’s Synopsis
Now in four convenient volumes, Field’s Virology remains the most authoritative reference in this fast-changing field, providing definitive coverage of virology, including virus biology as well as replication and medical aspects of specific virus families. This volume of Field’s Virology: Fundamentals, Seventh Edition, edited by Drs. Peter Howley and David M. Knipe, along with volume associate editors Drs. Lynn Enquist, Jeffrey I. Cohen, Eric O. Freed, Blossom A. Damania, and Sean P. J. Whelan, focuses on the basic principles of virology and reflects recent advances in this dynamic field.
Bundled with the eBook, which will be updated regularly as new information about each virus is available, this text serves as the authoritative, up-to-date reference book for virologists, infectious disease specialists, microbiologists, and physicians, as well as undergraduate and graduate students interested in virology.
Fungal Infections of the Nail and Scalp The Current Approach to Diagnosis and Therapy
R. Baran (editor), Eckart Haneke (editor), R. J. Hay (editor), A. Tosti (editor), Bertrand Richert (editor)
Publisher’s Synopsis
This new edition of the bestselling text, Fungal Infections of the Nail and Scalp: The Current Approach to Diagnosis and Therapy has been expanded to include scalp infections. As before, this illustrated text has been written by clinicians for clinicians, to provide an authoritative guide to the steps needed to identify and effectively manage the patient with fungal nail or scalp infection.
Brings together the expertise of international authorities
Covers fungal infections of both nails and scalp
Presents an authoritative clinical guide for all medical professionals in diagnosis and treatment.

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Radiation Oncology A Guide for Clinicians
Barry S. Rosenstein (editor), Tim Rattay (editor), John Kang (editor)
Publisher’s Synopsis
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Radiation Oncology: A Guide for Clinicians is designed for the application of practical concepts in machine learning to clinical radiation oncology. It addresses the existing void in a resource to educate practicing clinicians about how machine learning can be used to improve clinical and patient-centered outcomes.
This book is divided into three sections: the first addresses fundamental concepts of machine learning and radiation oncology, detailing techniques applied in genomics; the second section discusses translational opportunities, such as in radiogenomics and autosegmentation; and the final section encompasses current clinical applications in clinical decision making, how to integrate AI into workflow, use cases, and cross-collaborations with industry. The book is a valuable resource for oncologists, radiologists and several members of biomedical field who need to learn more about machine learning as a support for radiation oncology.
Stress Immunology and Inflammation – Handbook of Stress
George Fink (editor)
Publisher’s Synopsis
Volume Five in the Handbook of Stress series offers comprehensive cover of the interactions between stress, the immune system, immune responses, and Inflammation. The volume provides easy and in-depth access to these themes, both for research and clinical practice. There have been significant advances in our understanding of the interaction of stress, inflammation and the immune response to viral, bacterial and other challenges. Integrated closely with new behavioral findings and relevant to human conditions, this volume offers readers cutting-edge information of prime interest for neuroscientists, psychiatrists, neurologists, neuroendocrinologists, endocrinologists immunologists and general physicians, and researchers, and students, in similar and related themes. The Handbook of Stress series, comprised of self-contained volumes that each focus on a specific stress area, covers the significant advances made since the publication of Elsevier’s Encyclopedia of Stress (2000 and 2007). Volume 5 is ideal for graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, faculty, and clinicians interested in the interactions between stress, the immune system and inflammation.
ISBN: 9780128175583

Principles and Practices of Assessment A Guide for Assessors in the FE and Skills Sector – Further Education and Skills
Ann Gravells
Publisher’s Synopsis
This is a core text for anyone training to be (or working as) an assessor in the further education and skills sector. Whether you are a new or an experienced assessor, this book will guide you through the relevant principles and practices to enable you to become an assessor; improve your job role; and/or work towards a relevant assessment qualification.
The book takes you through all the information you need to know, opening up the topic for learning in a really accessible way. Interactive activities are included throughout, and real examples of assessment in practice are included. The book also includes examples of completed assessment documents. It is a comprehensive text, covering:
principles of assessment
planning for assessment
types and methods of assessment
assessment practice
giving feedback
recording progress and achievement
quality assurance
The updated 4th edition includes new content on:
- the assessor coach role
- end-point assessment
- the role of technology in assessment and quality assurance
- online assessment
- theories, principles and models of reflection and evaluation
ISBN: 9781529754070
Effective Teamwork Practical Lessons from Organizational Research
Michael A. West
Publisher’s Synopsis
Updated to reflect the latest research evidence, the third edition of Effective Teamwork provides business managers with the necessary guidance and tools to build and maintain effective teamwork strategies.
Utilizes research based on positive psychology techniques
A new edition of a bestselling book on teamwork from an acknowledged leader in the field
Offers a unique integration of rigorous research with practical guidance to develop effective leadership teams
Features new chapters on virtual teams and top management teams, plus contemporary themes of ethics and values
ISBN: 9780470974971

New Insights Into Endometrial Cancer 2022
Laura Paleari (guest editor)
Publisher’s Synopsis
This open access Special Issue brings together original research and review articles on molecular oncology, with attention given to endometrial cancer. It highlights new findings, methods, and technical advances in molecular cancer research. The main feature of this Special Issue is that it is a platform for open-source sharing of significant works in the field of molecular oncology that can increase our understanding of endometrial cancer development, which may lead to the discovery of new molecular diagnostic technologies and targeted therapeutics.
Topics include:
Molecular methods to personalize endometrial cancer screening and detection;
Identification and new aspects of cellular signaling molecules and pathways for target discovery, drug design, and personalized and gender medicine;
DDI discovery in endometrial cancer management;
Drug repurposing for endometrial cancer prevention/treatment;
Molecular modeling studies.
Mims’ Medical Microbiology and Immunology
Richard V. Goering (editor), Hazel M. Dockrell (editor), Mark A. Zuckerman (editor), Peter L. Chiodini (editor), Cedric A. Mims
Publisher’s Synopsis
MIMS’ Medical Microbiology and Immunology is loved internationally for its thorough yet easy-to-follow coverage of microbiology, infectious diseases, and immunology as a dynamic interplay between microbes and host. Covering the fundamentals of these closely linked disciplines, MIMS’ takes a systems approach to elaborate on epidemiology, clinical presentation, pathogenesis, and diagnostic approaches, as well as treatment and infection control considerations, supplemented by case-based examples. Complex scientific and clinical concepts are explained clearly and simply with the help of illustrations and a range of accompanying online content. Students will come away with a deep understanding of topics and processes, and will return to this book for reference time and again.
Clinical cases and multiple-choice self-assessments (electronic supplement) support learning
Clear writing and easy-to-understand explanations – perfect for students learning to grasp the fundamentals of both microbiology and immunology
User-friendly format with colour coding, key concept boxes, and dynamic illustrations for easy navigation
Organised by body system – goes beyond the ‘bug parade’ to help you understand clinical context
Pathogen Parade (electronic supplement) – a quick cross-referenced glossary of viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi
Vaccine Parade (electronic supplement) – quick-reference coverage of the most commonly used vaccines in current clinical practice

New Developments in Myeloma – The Clinics. Internal Medicine
Peter Leif Bergsagel (editor)
Publisher’s Synopsis
In this issue of Hematology/Oncology Clinics, guest editor Dr. P. Leif Bergsagel brings his considerable expertise to the topic of New Developments in Myeloma. With the advent of next generation sequencing and immune profiling technologies, marked advances have been made recently in the understanding of the molecular and immune pathogenesis of multiple myeloma. Yet even with these advances, there is a continual search for new therapeutic approaches. In this issue, top experts discuss a full range of clinically relevant topics in this complex and fast-changing field.
Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.
Contains 16 relevant, practice-oriented topics including molecular pathogenesis of multiple myeloma; monoclonal antibodies in the treatment of multiple myeloma; CAR-T cells in the treatment of multiple myeloma; management of newly diagnosed multiple myeloma today, and in the future; approach to high-risk multiple myeloma; new therapies on the horizon for relapsed refractory multiple myeloma; and more.
Provides in-depth clinical reviews on new developments in myeloma, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.
ISBN: 9780443130779